Upcoming War On Syria: How Do You Sell The War To Congress? Claim It Will "Protect Israel" (!)

I have said for years that the US Congress is completely under criminal Jewish control.  I have yet to see anything that shows otherwise.... We constantly see the so called "elected" Congress critters grovel and bow to their glorious Jewish masters at every chance they get.     It is sickening and should have every American citizen up in arms....For this article,I want to present a most interesting report from Jason Ditz, who writes the blog: "Anti War" at www.antiwar.com, that shows how this rush to war on Syria will most probably pass through Congress on September 9th..... It appears that the Obama/Soetoro/Davis administration will try to convince Congress to pass the war resolution, because according to this article...An attack on Syria will "Protect Israel"!   I have that article right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Selling War: White House Says Attack Will ‘Protect Israel’

Attack Might Conceivably Intimidate Iran, Administration Suggests

by Jason Ditz, September 01, 2013 Selling Congress on another, wildly unpopular war is no easy task, and many see it as extremely doubtful Congress will ever agree to do so. The Obama Administration has a plan though: make it all about Israel.Congress loves Israel with a passion, and getting Israel even remotely linked to a resolution is usually enough to ensure a landslide victory. But the administration’s claims that attacking Syria will “protect Israel” are not just cynical, they’re also extremely doubtful.Ever since Obama indicated his intention to attack Syria, Israelis have been scrambling to get anti-chemical masks and fretting the prospect that the US attack will provoke retaliation against them, either overt by Syria or covert by Hezbollah or some other militia.Because the Obama Administration’s attack would obviously put Israel at direct risk, officials are going to try to spin it as about intimidating Iran, arguing that attacking Syria on dubious allegations would make their constant threats to attack Iran more credible.Israeli officials are desperately trying to stay out of the argument for war with Syria, but if the president looks like he’s going to lose, expect them to be dragged into the effort, no matter how unwillingly.Antiwar.com urges all readers to contact their Congressmen and urge them to vote against attacking Syria. Click here for contract information.NTS Notes:  When the hell will the American people finally wake up from this nightmare,and have every Congress critter kicked out of office immediately?These so called "elected" criminals that sit in the US Congress are nothing more than puppets and shills for criminal Jewish interests.... This push for war on the innocent nation of Syria to "protect Israel" just shows again exactly who controls the United States.I can guarantee that the slaves to Israel that occupy the US Congress will vote overwhelmingly for war on Syria, because now they will say that an attack on Syria will be to "protect" their cherished criminal state of Israel.  Please take this information and show everyone again exactly how the Jews control America.  These criminals have long wanted the US involved in their wars for domination of the Middle East, and they care not that thousands of American soldiers will fight and die for their sick and twisted dream of a Greater Israel.  The evidence here definitely speaks for itself...More to comeNTS