Ukrainian Junta Admits Losing Almost 1,000 Soldiers In 176-Day War

National Radio Company of Ukraine
October 7, 2014
Over 700 Ukrainian servicemen killed in east Ukraine operation
The Ukrainian Armed Forces sustained the largest losses during the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine and three quarters of the fatalities are Ukrainian servicemen, Ukraine’s chief military prosecutor, Anatoliy Matios, has said. He also said at a press conference in Kyiv on October 7 that five Ukrainian servicemen had been killed and 28 others wounded over the past 24 hours.
Since the operation was launched in mid-April, 956 servicemen have been killed, among them 743 who served with the Armed Forces, 69 with the Interior Ministry, 58 with the State Border Service, ten with the Ukrainian Security Service and 65 with the National Guard, he said. As many as 3,627 servicemen have been wounded over this period, among them 2,619 troops, 273 Interior Ministry servicemen, 344 border guards, 358 National Guard members and ten Ukrainian Security Service personnel.
