Ukraine: Romanian, Moldovan Troops Participate In U.S.-NATO Military Exercise

Romanian News Agency
September 15, 2014
Military from 15 countries, including Romania and the Republic of Moldova participate in the military exercise of Ukraine
Approximately 1,300 military from 15 states, including Romania and the Republic of Moldova participate in the military exercises initiated on Monday in the Northern-Western part of Ukraine, announces the American Department for Defence in an official press release.
According to captain Greg Hicks the spokesperson of the European Commander of the US the annual exercise had been programmed a long time before the breaking up of the conflict in Ukraine.
Approximately 1,300 military – of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, the UK, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and the US – participate in the exercise Rapid Trident, between 15-26 September.
The military exercise takes place in the Lavoriv space in northern-western Ukraine.
