Ukraine erects a new fascist statue and America remains silent

The Ukrainian regime authorities have unveiled a statue honouring the fighters who are engaged in an aggressive war of ethnic cleansing against the people of Donbass.

The monument located outside of central Kiev has already attracted attention for its ‘art’ work being a rip-off of graphics from a popular video game known as Diablo III

But even more sinister than the apparent intellectual property theft, is the fact that this just one of many monuments that have recently been erected in Ukraine which celebrate the fascist ideology and murderous Nazi collaborators, including the infamous Stepan Bandera whose followers massacred Russians, Soviet Ukrainians, Poles and Jews.

The regime which openly honours dead Nazi collaborators and contemporary fascists is one that came to power through the coup in 2014 that was supported and engineered by state and non-state actors from the USA and EU.
US Senator John McCain gave glowing speeches in support of agitation against the legitimate government in Kiev while standing beside open neo-Nazis.

While many places in the world, primarily in Eastern Europe continue to glorify fascism/Nazism, it is only in Ukraine where a war is being fought by the followers of a neo-fascist regime against the same targets of the original wave of fascism: Russians including both those who follow the Russian Orthodox Church and perhaps ironically, also those who are Communists.
Why is it then that the same American politicians criticising Trump for allegedly not being hard enough on the so-called fascist right in the US, are those who continue to support a regime in Ukraine that is the closet thing to pure, classical fascism a near-European country has had since the 1940s? After all Spain and Portugal under their far-right leaders never waged war in order to prevent anti-fascist nations from exercising their right to self-determination.
The answer lies in the grim truth about contemporary US politics. It is bitterly myopic, a-historical and deeply petty.
While some on the US far-right promulgate the symbolism and ideology of Hitler, even among this group, few understand what it actually means. For most it is a matter of appropriating controversial symbolism in order to express a rage which has not yet coalesced into a modern political programme.
Secondly and most importantly, the proximate cause of the dispute in the US is over an internal US historical dialogue between those in favour of preserving monuments to the Confederate States of America or those who seek to eliminate monuments to those who fought and died on the Southern side of the American Civil War, a conflict which has nothing to do with fascism as it predates the very idea of fascism by virtually three quarters of a century. The internal debate over America’s history has been disingenuously turned into a debate about neo-fascism, the culture wars, the permissibly of sexual deviancy in modern America, the rights of minorities whose presence in many cases was non-existent in 1860s America and of course about the never ending political battle between Donald Trump and the American political establishment.
In a United States deeply ill at ease with its declining power abroad and decreased living standards at home, current debates have been retroactively assigned upon historical figures who have nothing to do with such debates.
By contrast, in Ukraine, the war currently being waged is for all intents and purposes a proxy conflict fought by those who still fail to accept the political, ethnic, linguistic and geo-political settlement of 9 May 1945.
Finally, those who are attacking Trump and those who accuse him of being a historically impossible combination of pro-Slavery Confederates from the 1860s and fascists from the 1930s, are simply authoring a new conspiracy theory to try and undermine Trump as the Russiagate scandal has officially fallen flat.
Donald Trump, a man who is quintessentially American and appears to have little understanding of Russia in any sense, was never going to be thought of as a ‘Russian agent’ by ‘main street USA’. By contrast, by trying to associate Trump with a small fringe of the American far-right, Trump’s domestic opponents are trying out another conspiracy to paint Trump out to be a traitor, this time not as a ‘Communist com Tsarist Russian’ but  as a traitor to the Union during the Civil War and to the US fight in the Second World War. Each theory is equally absurd in its own way.
Donald Trump, a New Yorker who has supported many politicians in his life, both those on the right and lif,e could not plausibly be any of the things he is accused of. If America is so desperate to fight fascism, America could withdraw its support for the Ukrainian regime, implement sanctions immediately and demand an immediate withdrawal of Ukrainian troops, mercenaries and terrorists from Donbass while the UN to authorise force against Kiev if this is not accomplished with immediate effect.
Of course, this will never happen because America is neither concerned about neo-fascism nor about human rights, especially when the rights of Russians are involved.
A segment of the American political, financial and media elite are concerned with ousting Donald Trump from power and they will do anything they can think of to accomplish this goal….except oppose him when he threatens to bomb foreign nations which have not harmed the United States, that would of course be a step too far for the Clinton/McCain brand of conspiracy theorist.
The post Ukraine erects a new fascist statue and America remains silent appeared first on The Duran.
