Ukraine: Chloroform deaths in Odessa? Who killed these soldiers?

 I started this one yesterday, but, couldn't get it done- The Ukrainian junta has every reason to want the Odessa massacre to just go away.  Particularly right before their so called 'election' just a few days away. So, claiming the anti coup protestors died of asphyxiation and heart damage due to chloroform inhalation would serve the coup government just fine. It would cover up and sanitize their orchestrated atrocity, to their benefit. Yet another example of how it is we have no knowledge of real history. This fabrication will enter the official history narrative though it has nothing to do with reality, fact or truthHere or Here Pick your poison- or in this case pick your source of bogus narrative creation

“The cause of the 32 deaths in Odessa on May 2 was asphyxiation due to an unidentified substance,” Sakal said at a news conference in Kiev today. “Chloroform was found in the debris of the Union House. Chloroform is usually used in surgery. We haven’t established why it was there.”

“There is an expert conclusion that in the garbage and ashes, where there were already around 30 investigations held on the premises; a like substance of chloroform was discovered.

Appeal to an authority

 “It is used during surgeries, but how it ended up in the Professional Union Building is currently being investigated”

 Being investigated? Surely in the most thorough manner too- haha. There is no reason to think this substance would be in the building and if it was that it would kill everyone who had hid in the building-

“Inhaling large amounts of the substance leads to respiratory arrest, which is what happened during the fire, in which 32 people died from an unknown substance, not extreme temperatures”

I find this entire narrative- chimerical- wildly fanciful; highly unrealisticA digression, if I may? The first time I ever read the word "chimerical" it was used was by Vladimir Putin in reference to something, can't recall what it was, but I was smitten with the word.If Ukraine can present a big lie story to cover up the massacre then that is what it will do.The death by chloroform makes everything else go away. The beatings. The gun shot wounds.The bloodshed.  The burning alive of humans. The massacre. The brutality of it all. Because you see the fault for all that death lies with no one. It's just one of those tragediesWho killed these soldiers?got this from random guy-

AnonymousMay 22, 2014 at 7:55 AMHello Penny! It's me random guy that posted fresh info on Odessa last time!I have some more, from today !Just this morning in Ukraine, nazi CIA stooges murdered army regulars who refused to conduct punishing operations on civilians , and blamed it on people's militia. All western media has backed it up.

3 videosUkrainian soldiers chatting with locals- but not attacking them" But luckly friendly locals had video's of soldiers on day before (look in first video, there is even homemade pickles someone brought to them)"Ukrainian soldiers under attack- but who did the deed?" and they filmed their murder by helicopters (which people militia doesn't have)"The resultsAs random guy points out western media is on message, which is pretty typicalExcept for this from BBC?

 "It is unclear who attacked the checkpoint, with one Ukrainian officer telling the BBC it was not separatists"

My response to random guy?

 "Most often when NATO media reports in this manner, the attacking was done by those associated with NATO-USand they would rather claim ignorance then report factjust my take on that type of reporting"

 Without further info who knows? Hopefully random guy will stop by with some updatesHowever... when we have reports of this not being anti coup protestors? I think that is worth somethingBeen a busy day:  China/Russia Banking/Energy deal- Cue Uighur bombing/attack! nice to see this one linked at Red Ice Creations- thanks kindly2nd-  Pipelines: Bulgaria testing EU ResolveSo goodnight everyone