UK government has turned Tommy Robinson into “persona non grata” (Video)

It’s hard to find much news about Tommy Robinson these days.
Mainstream media is not reporting much on the conservative activist’s imprisonment for reporting in front of a grooming gangs court case in Leeds…but just because a media blackout on Tommy Robinson seems to be holding up, it does not mean that citizens in the UK are not aware of the controversial ruling against Tommy.
Even popular American, Fox News host Tucker Carlson is questioning what is going on with Tommy Robinson.
After nearly 3 weeks since his arrest, has the UK government vanished Tommy, turning him into a persona non grata in his very own country?
Tommy, Julian Assange, the Skripals…what is going in the UK?
Check out the video below from a recent protest in Leeds, and Tucker’s comments on the Tommy saga from his Fox News show last night.
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