UK General Election: the Dust Hasn’t Settled Yet

Image credit: Veterans Today
The UK’s dysfunctional democracy has enabled a mere 37% of voters to give Cameron a clear majority of seats. From this travesty he claims a full ‘mandate’ and no doubt feels all-powerful as he parades his troops.

by Stuart Littlewood

Choosing between the gormless and the arrogant is a futile exercise. But that is what we were asked to do. The arrogant won with an overall majority.
Why the Labour Party thought they could impose Ed Miliband on the British public is a puzzle. One reason for Labour’s crash is the likelihood – unspoken of course – that Joe Public resented the idea of having a Jew as prime minister. Other reasons abound. Whatever the real causes they may have consigned the Labour Party to the wilderness for the next 10 years.
It is uncertain whether Ed is actually a Zionist. He has been quite critical of Israel’s policies and doesn’t get a high approval rating from Jewish communities. There is no doubt about his brother David, however. I could well imagine the Zionist handlers coaxing Miliband D to return from the US and embed himself once again in the Labour Party.
Sure enough, he butted in yesterday to criticise Ed and his team of losers. Which was rich coming from the loon who, while Foreign Secretary, grovelled and apologised to Israel’s vilest because they feared arrest on war crimes charges if they set foot in Britain. Miliband D promised to water down the universal jurisdiction laws so that loathsome butcher Tzipi Livni, for example, could safely come and do her shopping in Bond Street. Fellow stooge William Hague fulfilled David’s shameful promise when the deckchairs were shuffled and he became Foreign Secretary shortly afterwards.
David Cameron is now king cobra in the writhing Westminster snake-pit and busily lining up his Cabinet — described by the Morning Star this morning as “a Cabinet of the rich, for the rich, by the rich: PM drafts in yet more old bankers, millionaires and public school spivs”. I don’t have the stomach to dwell on it. Suffice to say that Robert Halfon, former political director of Conservative Friends of Israel, is hissing with joy at his appointment as Minister Without Portfolio and deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. Lord Feldman, a tennis partner and old Oxford pal of Cameron’s, is chairman; so two Jews at the top. Bibi and the rest of the thugs in Tel Aviv are cock-a-hoop and turning cartwheels.Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, promised to step down if he failed to win a seat for himself, saying he was a man of his word. He failed and duly offered his resignation to the party’s executive. They rejected it. How can you be refused permission to resign? Anyway, UKIP obviously can’t live without Nigel so he’s back in charge after the shortest resignation in British political history.
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg stepped down after leading his party to the very brink of oblivion. They face an election for a new supremo from among the surviving 8 MPs. For weeks I’ve been receiving emails from LibDem head office pleading for donations. It was the last straw when I received a message last weekend from the party’s President inviting me (and no doubt thousands of others) to “join the fightback”. She invoked the values of liberty, community and individual freedom but nowhere did she hint at change or renewal. There was merely a vague reference to the politics of fear having beaten the politics of hope — and how it hurts.
The party mandarins need to explain: what’s the point of rejoining if it is going to be more of the same… the same flawed policies that rendered the LibDems ultimately unelectable nationally? There has to be a fundamental re-think and realignment based on a clear understanding of what’s relevant to the British people and to the industries that underpin our standard of living. What the Federal Executive preaches is not necessarily what the voting public want.
I’m appalled that none of the parties in the election addressed the urgent need to re-industrialise, build new key industries and protect those we already have from foreign corporate predators. How will we ever be able to afford the first class social and healthcare programmes our politicians endlessly talk about?
So, LibDems, please don’t ask us the “join the fightback” unless you’re prepared to purge the party’s deadwood and develop a totally new “product” for the electoral market. The same applies to Labour.
Living in Scotland I’ve been closely watching the SNP phenomenon. Southerners have no idea of the contempt with which most Scots regard that nest of vipers at Westminster. The indifference of successive UK governments has pushed their patience to the limit. The effective wipe-out of LibDems, Labour and Conservatives north of the border should have come as no surprise. And I’m glad to see it because near-annihilation is the only jolt sharp enough, it would seem, to trigger the changes that must be made if an irreversible breakaway is the be averted. The 56-strong SNP contingent has now landed at Westminster determined to shake things up. The atmosphere is ‘electric’ in a 10,000 volt kind of way. A tweeter summed up the situation succinctly: “That lot doon there will be handin’ us oor independence in nae time when they realise what the hell they’ve got to contend wi’ noo.”
From this side of the border the idea of independence is seductive and even intoxicating. A concern is that the SNP, although an astonishingly successful change-agent and brilliantly led, are not entirely the right people (given some of their policies) to run an independent nation. A strong opposition is desperately needed for the Scottish Parliament elections next year to tone the SNP down a bit.
The UK’s dysfunctional democracy has enabled a mere 37% of voters to give Cameron a clear majority of seats. From this travesty he claims a full ‘mandate’ and no doubt feels all-powerful as he parades his troops. But he will have to tread carefully if he’s not to go down as the prime minister who presided over the disintegration of the United Kingdom. The natives all across the country (not just Scotland) are exceedingly restless — disgruntled with just about everything from the austerity measures to the crap voting system to the lack of opportunities for youngsters to the toffee-nosed detachment of the political élite. They could turn nasty any minute.
Stuart Littlewood
12 May 2015