Uber CEO caught on video arguing over fares with black car driver [Video]

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick was recorded in a heated debate with an Uber Black driver over dropping fare prices, in an unscripted, dashcam video moment.
The video was released to Bloomberg. Uber has declined to comment on the confrontation.

Uber CEO Kalanick kicked off the debate…

“So, we are reducing the number of black cars in our team over the next six months.”
“You probably saw some emails.”

Black car driver Kamel replied…

“I saw the email.”
“It starts in May. It’s all about the rating, but you – you’re raising the standards and dropping the prices.”

Kalanick denied lowering prices for Uber Black drivers, but Kamel complained that the company’s decline in prices was hurting the overall quality…

“Competitors, man you had the business model in your hands. You could have the prices you want, but you choose to buy everybody a ride.”

Kalanick justified the lower prices, explaining, “we started high end, we didn’t go low end because we wanted to. We went low end because we had to.”
Kamel did not let the CEO off the hook, voicing various complaints…

“But people are not trusting you anymore. You think people will buy cars anymore?”

Kamel then revealed that he lost many several thousand dollars” because of Kalanick, blaming the CEO for his indecisiveness and for bankrupting him.
Before exiting the ride, Kalanick blasted Kamel…

“Some people don’t like to take responsibility.”
“They blame everything in their life on someone else.”

Kamel responded…Good luck to you, too. But I know you won’t go far.”
The post Uber CEO caught on video arguing over fares with black car driver [Video] appeared first on The Duran.
