Twenty Years Ago Today, Princess Diana Murdered

Yes, with all of the terrible news still coming in today about the situation in Texas and Louisiana with Hurricane Harvey doing its damage... And of course new reports coming out about a more deadly monsoon hitting the Indian Ocean area around Bangladesh.... It is hard to believe that some 20 years have now passed with the murder of Princess Diana in that motorcade "accident" in that tunnel in Paris France.....I do remember what I was doing when I heard the news... I was relaxing at home after a very long work day, and with it being Saturday I wanted to have some R and R for myself and my family... But when I turned on the Talmudvision that morning, every single Jew spew media outlet was broadcasting report after report about Princess Diana involved in an "auto accident" in a tunnel in Paris France.. More reports came forward afterwards stating that she had succumbed to her injuries.... I also remember the shock and disbelief of my "better half" who always loved the Princess.... It was indeed shocking and at the time we believed the "news reports".... But being the critical thinker and the pessimist I was, I thought it peculiar about how the circumstances of her death were so cryptic, misleading, and without any real facts coming out about the why and how of the "accident"... Within days I began to openly question the "facts" that the liars in our governments and the Jew spew media tried to brainwash people with!I have already put up a lot of material at this blog concerning Princess Diana's murder and how that evil pedophile bitch whore who does not deserve to sit on the British throne for her crimes against humanity is indeed directly responsible for Diana's death and how she ordered the "hit" on Diana.... That unfeeling monster has already ordered so many deaths around the world, and has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of children through her pedophile rings, that killing Diana absolutely did not phase her at all.... My former partner in this fight, Whitewraithe, had written a multitude of articles herself concerning Diana's death and how the Royal bitch whore herself did indeed order the hit simply because as Diana had said years before her death about the so called "royals":"They are not human"....She pointed out several factors that other writers such as David Icke had stipulated about these creatures being "reptilian" and "cold blooded", but on this point I tend to disagree.. I do not think they are "reptilian" but I see these creatures for the Jews they really are and how they are just plain evil with no sense of human compassion....I have been looking at several articles today concerning this being the 20th anniversary of Diana's senseless murder, and I want to bring forward here the link to an article that my fellow Canadian truth seeker, Greencrow, wrote today that states that she was "assassinated by the usual suspects" (we know who those suspects are!).... It is a must read, and I have the link here for all to read for themselves: for one am glad that Greencrow sees what I see... She had an inkling from day one that Diana had been murdered, and it took me a few days later to come to the same conclusion... I also want to give her kudos for her fight and "win" against Cancer...Lets get the facts straight... Diana was never free of these "royal" scumbags.. From her early age, I can guarantee that she was destined to be "breeding stock" for these evil monsters... Her marriage to Charles was a farce from the get go and all it did was cause severe mental anguish to her to the point that she was suicidal...  Even after her separation and divorce from Charles, she was always kept under close scrutiny by that evil bitch whore on the throne... It did get to the point that when she was ready to marry Dodi Fayed that the royal bitch could not "tolerate" her want to be free of these monsters and her control, and that creature did indeed want to silence her by ordering the hit on her life..... Such is the way of these monsters..I hope that everyone keeps the remembrance of Diana alive and I do want to see the day that the real criminals behind her murder are brought to justice... It is time for the British people to awaken to how horrible these creatures that occupy their "throne" truly are and have them all put into cold prison cells for their endless crimes against humanity..More to comeNTS