Turkey's Coup- Pt 1: Contradictory Claims and Egypt's role

I’ve spent the last few days reading and thinking. Then reading and thinking some more. Then reading and thinking some more about the coup attempt in Turkey:I've noticed some interesting but  contradictory claims that don't correlateClaim: Erdogan is an authoritarian dictator, strong man aka “the sultan”Contradiction: Why does an iron fisted dictator,  autocrat aka strong man aka sultan need a coup to consolidate power? Power we’ve been repeatedly told, he already has.Claim: Erdogan faked the coupContradiction: If Erdogan faked the coup then why would he need to round up anyone at all?Wouldn’t they have been at his service anyway? See above regarding dictator, autocrat etcAh those pesky contradictions!Claims: A false flag! Instigated by Erdogan?  Why is the media actually considering/promoting the false flag theory of Erdogan faking a coup? Contradiction: A false flag narrative is absolutely contrary to the usual  msm discourse! Which would be to openly ridicule such claims as “conspiracy theory”Those contradictions bother me. Quite a bit.To support a false flag narrative you have to:Ignore the wider geo- political happenings. Ignore the history of  military coups in TurkeyIgnore the destabilization on going within Turkey’s border. Ignore the incessant media demonization of ErdoganIgnore the rapprochement  with RussiaIgnore the conciliatory attitude of recent months toward SyriaIgnore the good relations between Turkey and Iran.If I haven’t thought of them all, please, leave some suggestionsYou can make a case for Erdogan being better then a coup government and that explaining the why of the people came out? Can’t say as I blame them if that is the case!This is for all the coup supporters on the net and in the media!Those who actually promote a coup as being necessary for Turkey aka the right thing.  And lament it’s failure..... You who moan and groan about the alleged excessive clamp down taking place present day.  Let’s talk excessive clampdown in the 1980 coup

The coup rounded up members of both the left and right for trial with military tribunals. Within a very short time, there were 250,000[8] to 650,000 people detained. Among the detainess, 230,000 were tried, 14,000 were stripped of citizenship, and 50 were executed.[16] In addition, hundreds of thousands of people were tortured, and thousands are still missing.  A total of 1,683,000 people were blacklisted.[17] Apart from the militants killed during shootings, at least four prisoners were legally executed immediately after the coup; the first ones since 1972, while in February 1982 there were 108 prisoners condemned to capital punishment.[9] Among the prosecuted were Ecevit, Demirel, Türkes, and Erbakan, who were incarcerated and temporarily suspended from politics.

 One notable victim of the hangings was a 17-year-old Erdal Eren, who said he looked forward to it in order to avoid thinking of the torture he had witnessed.[18]”

I had mentioned in yesterday's post,  Ally's Family in Turkey is Safe! Good news. Breaking News Updates! , that we were going to talk about Egypt's bizarre behaviour during and after the coup:**Egypt's media openly promoted a successful Turkish coup in their media:* Coup in Turkey succeeded and still ongoing

Despite confirmed news sources proving the failure of the military coup in Turkey, several private and state-owned Egyptian media outlets have insisted that the military coup attempt executed on Friday evening against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ended in success.A number of privately owned media outlets and prominent media figures operating popular talk shows did not hesitate to show their support for the military coup in a way that clearly violates objective reporting.Several reporters, instead of displaying real news in an unbiased way, convinced Egyptians that the coup succeeded and urged viewers and listeners to follow and believe only this news, and not any other media.

*Egypt Media Jumps the Gun on Turkey Coup

Egyptians woke up today to find some newspapers announcing the Turkish military's ouster of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, even as the strongman loathed by Cairo quashed a coup attempt."The Turkish army topples Erdogan," declared a red banner on the front page of the state's flagship Al-Ahram newspaper.

"Recep Tayyip vanishes," said the subhead.

"Army controls Turkey and deposes Erdogan," the private Al-Watan announced, labelling yesterday night's attempted coup by an army faction as "military disobedience".

Why did Egypt's media do that? Did they have inside information? Was Egypt's military involved?  It sure appears they had some insider/prior knowledge. Doesn't that make you think of 9/11 when BBC reported building # 7 had collapsed when it hadn't??  *Afterwards Egypt blocked a UN resolution condemning the coup:

Egypt blocks UNSC condemnation of coup attempt in Turkey

The United Nations Security Council failed on Saturday to condemn the coup attempt in Turkey after Egypt objected to a statement that called on all parties to "respect the democratically elected government of Turkey," diplomats said, APA reports quoting AA. The U.S.-drafted statement also expressed grave concern over the situation in Turkey, urged the parties to show restraint, avoid any violence or bloodshed, and called for an urgent end to the crisis and return to rule of law.Statements by the 15-member Security council have to be agreed by consensus.Diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Egypt argued that the U.N. Security Council was not in a position to determine whether a government had been democratically elected.

Not to mention France looking like they had prior knowledge mentioned  here:

AnonymousJuly 13, 2016 at 8:26 AM

France on Wednesday said it had closed its embassy in the Turkish capital Ankara and its consulate in Istanbul until further notice for security reasons, after cancelling events to mark the July 14 Bastille Day holiday.Delete

gallier2July 16, 2016 at 2:23 AMWhat annoys me, is that I saw the news on the 13th of France closing its ambassy and recalling its personnel from Turkey

I'm working on a part 2