Turkey: ISIS/Kurds & the Good Vs Evil Narrative

Turkey, striking ISIS, hits Kurds- It seems so contradictory and yet it's notSample news item: Turkey accused of shelling Kurds in Syria

Turkey denies claims it shelled Kurdish fighter positions in a village in northern Syria, as Ankara continues its campaign against so-called Islamic State

Image from linked news story. ISIS or Kurds? (Check link for answer)

“A Turkish foreign ministry official denied on Monday that bombing of Kurdish positions in northern Syria had taken place. A government official has said that the claim is being investigated."The ongoing military operation seeks to neutralise imminent threats to Turkey's national security and continues to target Islamic State in Syria and the PKK in Iraq," the official said."The PYD (the political wing of the YPG), along with others, remains outside the scope of the current military effort."

Just by reading the latest news we can spot far too many contradictions in the presented narrative. Too many contradictions indicate falsities.  Turkey is hitting ISIS.  Kurds says Turkey is striking the villages they hold. Western NATO allies seem pleased that Turkey has FINALLY joined the fight against ISIS.  Their approval confirms that Turkey is striking ISIS targets. What’s going on!How can we reconcile the contradictory claims? How can we make sense of nonsense?  How can Turkey be striking ISIS, to the alleged glee of their NATO allies, who are ‘fighting’ ISIS, while at the same time Kurdish militias  are claiming to be hit?KurdIShIS is the simplest, most obvious, explanation.The whole Kurdish/ISIS, White/Black or Good vs Evil, is a full of nonsense, fairy tale and utter bullshit.*Weapons dropped to ISIS, intended for the Kurds, of course that was“accidental” -Not credible*ISIS resistance practically melting away when the Kurds come to town. Again on more then one occasion is not credible when on considers the over the top hype of the ISIS threat.*ISIS releasing Kurdish ‘hostages’ out of the goodness of their hearts, of course! Again, on more then one occasion.These seeming contradictions clearly demonstrate a cohesion rather then a contradiction.The Kurds vs ISIS is a classic good vs evil narrative. We love to believe that good will triumph over evil.

"Every time you tell yourself a good vs evil story, you're basically lowering your IQ." Tyler Cowen

I don’t agree 100 percent with that quotation but, I’m using it to make a specific point, with clarification. Every time you allow yourself to be taken in by a presented, simplistic, good vs evil narrative you will be made more foolish for it. Yes, there is good & evil in the real world. That is abundantly evident. And the fact of good & evil’s existence makes it easy for us to be taken in by a patently false, good vs evil, as presented narrative that has nothing to do with the real world.This false, good vs evil narrative, is the ISIS/Kurd narrative.Stop believing it.Finally: The agenda pushing media is also spinning via their headlines that Turkey is striking Kurdish territory in Northern Syria. To be clear: There is NO Kurdish territory in Syria. There is only Syrian territory taken over by Kurdish “fighters” while tag teaming in their symbiotic, mutually beneficial, relationship with ISIS and ultimately with the NATO/Israel global war machine.

Truth is simple, it is lies that are complicated.

By that I mean, the official contradictory and complicated narratives make the lie obvious.Pull the layers back and the truth is apparent.