Turkey: Creating "Safe Zones", Fighting for it's Survival, Turkey's letter to UN

 And not attempting an expansion?Reiterating:Turkey by all appearances is defending it's borders.Turkey targeted brand ISIS from it's own airspace- Without entering Syrian airspace.Question # 1: Why didn't/hasn't Turkey enter Syrian airspace?  Is it because the US and company are in Syrian airspace? As they "fight ISIS"   While aiding Kurds in their ethnic cleansing of area residents.If, we are supposed to believe Turkey is fighting alongside NATO allies- Why not enter Syrian airspace?IBTimes

 "Turkey's operations will, if needed, continue until the terror organizations' command centers, all locations where they plan (attacks) against Turkey and all depots used to store arms to be used against Turkey are destroyed," the Turkish prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said, confirming a “third wave” of attacks on Isil on Saturday and a second wave against the PKK.

Question # 2: Do the US & Company approve of the safe zones Turkey is talking up?According to the report below they don't. Why not?An article from June 27/2015

 Turkey considers creating safe zones in Syria between the cities of Aleppo, Idlib and the Turkish border with the inclusion of the border towns Kobani, Jarabulus and others, depending on the population density in these areas, the Turkish newspaper Milliyet said June 27.

From IB Times (linked above)

 Turkey has long sought a "no-fly zone" or "safe zone" in northern Syria but met resistance from Washington, which says direct military pressure on Islamic State, not a "safe zone", is the best way to end the region's fighting and refugee crisis.

Washington doesn't want a safe zone- And their 'fight' against ISIS has been a cover all along for the Kurdish/Israeli land grab. Turkey wants the safe zone because the leadership of Turkey understand exactly where that Kurdish land grab will lead..  To the destabilization and destruction of Turkey.Question # 3: What is Turkey's intent with the "safe zones"? Based on Turkish claims- Their intent is to return all the Syrian refugees. Thereby preventing the creation of a Kurdistan in Syria- Which will serve as a second base of attack against Turkey. Iraq being the first base of attack- Hence the airstrikes in both places.Turkey to create IS free safe zones in Syria for refugees: FM

 "Syrian refugees in Turkey and in neighboring countries will be able to settle in these safe regions" 

The Turkish FM claimed in this article that Washington was on board? But is it?UPDATE: More on the 'safe zone' from Telegraph UK 

"Turkey's operations will, if needed, continue until the terror organizations' command centers, all locations where they plan (attacks) against Turkey and all depots used to store arms to be used against Turkey are destroyed," the Turkish prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said, confirming a “third wave” of attacks on Isil on Saturday and a second wave against the PKK. They also promoted what newspapers said was a plan to create an “Isil-free zone” along Syria’s long border with Turkey - a zone which would be guarded by the non-Isil anti-Assad rebels but importantly also prevent a subsequent takeover by Syria’s Kurds. "When areas in northern Syria are cleared of the (Isil) threat, the safe zones will be formed naturally," the foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said in response to questions about the newspaper reports. "We have always defended safe zones and no-fly zones in Syria. People who have been displaced can be placed in those safe zones.

In closing when Turkey attacks "ISIS" and the Kurds they are attacking one and the same entity - Which is why they were never 'on board' with  the illusory fight against ISIS aka KurdIShIS. The NATO backed fight against ISIS was cover for Kurds taking territory- Why would Turkey assist with that? Almost forgot!   Turkey justifies Syrian strike with letter to UNThis after the provocative strike on a Turkish military outpost the other day

 "In a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UN Security Council, Turkey cited Article 51 of the UN Charter, which covers an individual or collective right to self-defense against armed attack, as justification for its action."It is apparent that the regime in Syria is neither capable of nor willing to prevent these threats emanating from its territory which clearly imperil the security of Turkey and safety of its nationals," wrote Turkey's Deputy U.N. Ambassador Levent Eler in the letter, seen by Reuters."Syria has become a safe haven for (Islamic State). This area is used by (Islamic State) for training, planning, financing and carrying out attacks across borders," he wrote. Turkey "initiated necessary and proportionate military actions against (Islamic State) in Syria, including in coordination with individual members of the Global Coalition, in order to counter the terrorist threat and to safeguard its territory and citizens."

2nd Update: Regarding Turkey's letter, of Friday July 24/15, to the UN

Turkey told the United Nations on Friday that it had started conducting air strikes on Daesh militant group in exercise of its rights of self-defense as defined by the Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, which allows countries to engage in self-defense against an armed attack.

Also Trend

 Turkey's letter to the U.N. followed its early Friday airstrikes on Daesh targets in Syria. The jets carried out the operation “without violating the Syrian airspace”, the Prime Ministry said in a statement.

Has the Syrian government commented on the Turkish strikes on KurdIShIS?Necessary background: