Turkey’s dangerous foreign policy impacts Libya, the Balkans, NATO and the EU

Submitted by Richard Galustian…
Is Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s political future now in the balance along with Turkey’s membership of NATO?
Turkey’s waining influence in Syria has in part, led Erdogan to increase his interference in other countries, notably Libya.
Turkey’s Muslim Brotherhood government has thrown its full weight militarily behind the Tripoli GNA government (U.N. chosen) that is a puppet of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood organisation (as well as of the State of Qatar) and has pitted Turkey directly against Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and East Libya’s LNA Forces and indirectly against Egypt.
The dramatic increase in acrimony between NATO’s Turkey and the forces of Haftar poses very serious implications not only for Libya’s future but Egyptian-Turkish relations.
On a specific, the irrefutable war crime committed in Gharayan against Haftar’s soldiers at the end of June was countered with a counter claim in early July by Tripoli’s GNA that Haftar’s Forces had bombed a refugee facility in Tajoura district in Tripoli. No hard evidence has appeared to prove the latter. While a lot of evidence is available to prove the former.
Furthermore to compound the immigrant tragedy, the BBC reported that GNA militias guarding the migrants facility in question, barbarically shot fleeing migrants from the carnage of the location bombed. If that is proven, it is without question a war crime if ever there was one, committed by the U.N’s selected GNA government militias from mostly Tripoli with support importantly from Misratan militias.
CNN reported:
Libya’s Tripoli based UN-backed GNA government surprisingly had recently announced that it was the United Arab Emirates who were responsible for bombing the migrant detention centre sighting witnesses who stated that they “saw and/or heard” US made F-16 fighters (which both the UAE and Egypt have) during last Wednesday’s attack on the migrant detention centre that killed over 50 people. This can hardly be construed as evidence.
BBC reports stated:
Haftar’s LNA warplanes bombed a pro-GNA government building near the migrant centre and that the LNA has stated it was in fact GNA forces giving retaliatory fire that hit the migrant facility “hitting the migrant centre by accident”.
We can expect an escalation in fighting with more incidents and allegations from both sides. We should not expect a cease fire anytime soon.
A major reason for Libya’s quagmire, as inferred earlier herein, is Turkey’s aggravating the tensions in Libya by increasing the supply to Tripoli’s GNA of weaponry, particularly drones, which fuels the continuance of the civil war.
Another aspect of Turkey’s dangerous involvement in Arab countries like Libya is their political meddling in other non-Arab countries, in the Balkans in particular.
A prime example is Turkey believes that the integration of all Balkan countries in the Brussels based “Euro-Atlantic structures” like NATO and the EU, is critical to Her interests. Turkey advocates the membership of mainly Muslim countries in such “structures” such as the essentially criminal mafia government of Kosovo. Turkey also supports membership of Bosnia Herzegovina (as well as Macedonia) ignoring the fact that Christian Serbia will eventually and inevitably react militarily against Her former satellites should Turkey, NATO and the EU keep trying to integrate these tiny new countries into its Brussels ‘structures’.
Turkey’s foreign policy in Libya has aroused the anger of Egypt’s President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. Could conflict break out between those to countries in future?
Moreover the bigger question is Turkey, who joined NATO in 1952, about to leave NATO, willingly or otherwise, by 2020?
A core question that directly affects European, even global stability.
Also will 2020 see Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan out of power begging the important question who will rule Turkey after he is gone?
Erdogan’s delusional aspirations to revive the Ottoman Empire are just that, delusional.
Never forgetting the long standing animosity Turkey has with Christian Greece over Cyprus and the continuing and persistent violations of Greek airspace by Turkish jets, heightening tensions in the Aegean Sea between the two NATO members.
In conclusion to end on a Libyan note, it was NATO’s legally questionable air strikes (much like they did to Serbia in 1999) that destroyed the regime of Muammar Ghaddafi not a revolution by the people; supported by an engineered uprising, that started in Benghazi not Tripoli!
The post Turkey’s dangerous foreign policy impacts Libya, the Balkans, NATO and the EU appeared first on The Duran.
