Turbulent Times Show TONIGHT At 8PM CDT (9PM EDT) On Blogtalk Radio

Yes, Whitewraithe and myself are indeed going to have a new Turbulent Times show tonight at 8PM Central Daylight Time on Blogtalk radio...Tonight, we will again start off by discussing some major current events that have happened in our sick world,  and then the second part of the show will concentrate on several subjects that Whitewraithe herself has chosen including a discussion of the recent article entitled: "Demonic Shock Troops From Another Dimension"...  It will be a lively broadcast and I hope that everyone will tune in...Here is the live feed link:http://tobtr.com/s/7622921And of course you can come and join us in our chat room at www.turbulenttimes.chatango.com....The call in number is .... 1-347-857-2203Hope to see you there...And as usual..More to comeNTS