Turbulent Times Show Today At 6PM CDT (7PM For Those On The American East Coast)

Whitewraithe and I are going to do a Turbulent Times show tonight at 6PM Central Daylight Time…The subject for tonight's show will be a discussion on this so called 'Truth Movement".  We will discuss who the real seekers of truth are in this so called "Truth Movement", and who exactly the shills and agents that have been out to ruin our efforts are...It will be a LIVE broadcast, and is of course available over at Outside Radio at www.outsideradio.blogspot.com.  We will of course have our chat room open for those who want to discuss this topic and to ask questions… It is available at www.turbulenttimes.chatango.com.   Wraithe and I will be monitoring that room during our broadcast…Trolls will of course be booted!You can also call in via Skype… Just follow the link at Outside Radio, or Skype "Delcroix2012" during the broadcast…..Hope to see you there!More to comeNTS