Turbulent Times Show Friday, February 6th, At 7PM CST (8EST) ....

Yes, Whitewraithe and I are going to have a Turbulent Times show, this Friday at 7PM Central Standard Time (8PM for those on the American eastern seaboard)....My apologies for the delay in getting a new show going.....Whitewraithe and I have been busy this last week with personal, and business needs... And of course both of us have been suffering on and off with colds, sinus troubles, etc...  But now we are both finally up to getting a new show going...Tomorrow's show will cover some current events, AND with the possibility of a surprise guest calling in.... Hopefully everyone will tune in....The show is at:www.blogtalkradio.com/turbulenttimesAnd of course, we will fire up our chat room... It is available at:www.turbulenttimes.chatango.comHopefully this gives enough notice for everyone to join in.... The Skype calls are still offline due to Wraithe having computer problems.... But the call in line will be available...Thanks again for your patience..More to comeNTS