Turbulent Times Put Into Limbo For The Near Future...

I do have some sad news to report today... Both Whitewraithe and I are sad to report that our show, "Turbulent Times" is off the air for the near future...Delcroix, who runs Outside Radio (www.outsideradio.blogspot.com) has pulled the plug on our show and many others citing his need to concentrate on personal and family needs... It appears that Outside Radio itself has been put into limbo for the time being as well....I want to thank everyone for taking the time to listen to our broadcasts... Both of us are now searching for a new network to carry on our shows, and I will let everyone know when we are back on the air!In the meantime... Here is the link to our last show from Monday, October 21st:http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/i6pwd9y16l/Turbulent_Times_ep_8_oct_20_2014.mp3We will be back...More to comeNTS