Tucker Carlson DESTROYS University professor over Supreme Court travel ban ruling (Video)

Visibly frustrated by the University professor’s dodging of questions, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson openly called the liberal left academic “dumb” before cutting off the interview early.
Carlson pressed his guest to answer ‘what percentage WHITE is Trump trying to get the United States to’ so as to make it the white supremacist nation that the liberal left is hysterically freaking out about.
One thing is certain, the liberal left has no problems with immigration, ICE, travel bans, Russia or any other manufactured narrative being spat out by the main stream media…they simply have a problem with Donald Trump as President of the United States…and it is making the liberal left collectively crazy.
Check out the video below and watch Tucker run circles around liberal left “logic”, as the travel ban ruling last week by the US Supreme Court further drives the anti-Trump resistance into mass panic.
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