Truth Is Rare and Hard to Find — Paul Craig Roberts

Truth Is Rare and Hard to Find
Paul Craig Roberts
Recent developments show how important and necessary websites such as are. The latest Wikileaks release of CIA documents code-named Vault 7 reveal that the CIA has the capability and the intent to mask the cyber-attacks it commits by making them seem as if they originated from another source.
This capability destroys the concept of evidence. The CIA can carry out a cyber attack or steal information and leave a fingerprint, so to speak, of the country or person it wants blamed. If the CIA can leave the fingerprint of an innocent party, we must assume the CIA can also put secret documents or child pornography on a person’s computer. Because of the CIA’s capability, henceforth we cannot know if any evidence presented in any trial against any defendant is real of faked. and
Maria Zakharova points out another reason that sites such as this one are crucial. The fake news promoted by CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, and all the rest of the Western presstitutes has undermined the credibility of all traditional Western media, leaving only Internet sites that vary in commitment to truth from which the public can form an opinion. In a press conference, Zakharova said that the Western media is shameful, a form of vandalism. She asks if the Western media has yet hit bottom “or can they dive a little lower?” The US media is engaged in “a total disinformation campaign not only for their internal audience, but also for the global audience. . . This is Orwell, 1984. Now we know who he wrote about when he wrote about Big Brother. Big Brother, in America, is now the media, which has stepped so far outside of professional ethics, as well as their own competency. They accuse and judge, based on entirely fabricated lies. . . That which is happening now is a global tragedy, the destruction of trust in the authority of media. What is going to happen in the future?”
The future of truth lies with websites, such as the one you are reading. This website has faithful donors. They are the people who pushed me out of retirement back into the fray. Many of them make automatic monthly donations. Others have joined them. But most of the people who use this site do not support it.
As we see President Trump collapse on his promise of normalized relations with Russia, we witness another president captured by the military/security complex.
For an individual website to go up against powerful forces controlling billions of dollars requires your support. If you are with me, I need your financial support.
If you have any doubts that the media are a propaganda agency for the ruling elite, note that when Julian Assange released the CIA documents given to WikiLeaks that show the CIA’s ability to blame its hacks on innocent parties, ABC presstitute Brian Ross was uninterested in the documents and attempted to discredit the WikiLeaks release with the question if Assange had ever been paid by the Russian government. Assange replied “no” but that it was a “pretty sad question” which tried to divert from the content of the released documents. “Quite interesting,” Assange said, “to see ABC taking that line.”
In other words, when the CIA’s own documents are presented to the whores who comprise the Western media, the well-trained whores cast aspersion on the person who makes the documents public, not on the crimes of those that the documents reveal.
As I wrote some years ago, “Truth Is Imperiled.” You cannot acquire truth from the Western media, but you can get truth from this site. So support it.
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