The Truth About Vaccines: Leaked Pentagon Video Shows Vaccines Designed To "Modify Behaviour"

I am so disgusted each and every time I see or hear about ANYONE that is gullible enough to go out and take a "vaccination" shot into their bodies.... I spent countless winters up here in Canada watching gullible and very stupidly idiotic individuals line up at the local pharmacy believing the bull crap that they must be "vaccinated" against Influenza.... I would do my best in trying to take some of these individuals aside as much as possible and ask them to do some reading about the truths about vaccinations before they would line up like dumbed down sheep and allow the criminals to inject their poisons into their bodies... But in many cases, I would get chastised or threatened, which in itself shows that we are indeed fighting an uphill battle in trying to reach people with the truth that not only do vaccines absolutely NOT work, but they are being used to both weaken our immune systems and even change our very DNA make up!Just today, I came across this most important video that absolutely shocked me, and I can guarantee it will shock many of you.... This video was actually released back in January of this year, by Youtube user "Kevin Canada" and is entitled: "Leaked Pentagon Video Shows Vaccines Designed To "Modify Behaviour"...... It is an absolute must see by everyone, and I do have it right here for all to see and judge for themselves ..... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Again, WHY am I not surprised by what is stated in this video?  Vaccines have always been an optimum method of delivering poisons into our bodies that not only weaken our immune systems, destroy our DNA... and here we find a troubling report that shows that they are also used to "modify the behaviour" of their victims!  From what I have seen in what vaccines contain, including mercury and squaleen, it does not shock me that these neurological poisons can "modify" the behaviour  of their intended victims.... It fits in nicely with the Jewish elite's grand scheme of basically turning the Gentiles' minds to mush and make them unable to resist their push for world domination!   What better way to administer and make their victims docile and turned into mindless sheep than to have them vaccinated?This is one video that everyone should see and spread around to others...Again, everyone must absolutely never ever take any vaccines, period... They basically do not work and again they are being used to destroy the minds and bodies of their intended victims, intentionally!More to comeNTS