The TRUTH About The US Proxy War In Ukraine: Ukrainian Citizens Speak Against The War (Video)

I am really sick and tired of the false rhetoric being pushed out by the LIARS at the Jew spew media outlets these days.... I actually spent about 20 minutes just the other night listening to the Canadian "national" news before my mind melted and I turned off the Talmudvision in disgust... All the reports coming over the Canadian so called news was that the so called "war" in Ukraine was against Russian supported and armed (!) Rebels who were fighting an "illegal" (!) war against the Ukrainian government... The news reports kept up the false bias by claiming that the fight was against Russian "aggression" (!) and the news reporter of course quipped the false and bullshit argument that Russia had "annexed Crimea". (!).... It was nothing  more than one lie after another, and as I said, I had to turn it off... It shows again that our governments and the Jew spew media are working overtime now in attempting to brainwash everyone with lies and more lies... I figured that I would start off today with another report to get the real truth out about the so called "war" in Ukaine...I came across a fabulous video yesterday, and I really want to make sure that everyone sees it for themselves... This video shows exactly what most Ukrainians actually think of the so called "war" against the civilians living in the Donbas region of the eastern provinces of Ukraine..... The video is entitled: "Town Of Velikaya Znamenka Speaking Against The War, -Zaporozhie, Ukraine" and I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves.... I do of course have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  The statements made by that brave woman in this video are absolutely true.... The Ukrainian people have been lied to tremendously and right now the Ukrainian US proxy regime is going from town to town and village to village to "recruit" more men and women to go off and fight and die against innocent civilians living in the Donbas, who's only "crime" was to hold a referendum last year and vote overwhelmingly to get away from the criminal and brutal regime that occupies Kiev right now...The fact is again that Russia itself is absolutely not to be blamed in any way for this "civil war"... They absolutely did NOT "annex" or "invade" Crimea,  no matter what our criminal governments and the Jew spew media continues to promote... I must repeat here that Crimea was ALWAYS part of Russia, and was handed over to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by Nikita Krushchev back in 1954 with the understanding that at some time in the future, the people of Crimea could vote on whether or not they wanted to rejoin Russia proper... The people of Crimea held a referendum last year in April and OVERWHELMINGLY voted by a 98.7% absolute majority to separate from Ukraine and be returned to the Russian Federation... According to all international law, an absolute majority in a referendum is very legal and the rights of the people are to be upheld... Crimea then returned to Russia.... It was no "invasion" or "annexation" at all, and I wish that everyone would understand that they are being purposely lied to by our governments and media in a vain attempt to vilifiy Russia itself....The fact is also that there are no "separatists" or "rebels" in the Donbas region of Ukraine.. The people there also voted in a referendum back in May of last year and also just like Crimea voted OVERWHELMINGLY (90% vote for secession from Ukraine) to split from the Kiev regime... However, if Ukraine was to lose the industrial Donbas, it would have spelled curtains for the American led junta in Kiev, and they have basically been lying to the world that these citizens of the eastern provinces are somehow "rebels" and "separatists" and have turned the Ukrainian army on them....The so called "fighting" in the eastern provinces is not fighting at all... It has been in most cases a fully armed Ukrainian army "fighting" against unarmed civilians who's only "crime" has been to want to be free of the tyranny of the Kiev government....The Ukrainian army has been brainwashed into the false belief that they are fighting "Russians" and "insurgents" and in many cases when they do see that they are slaughtering civilians, they have defected and deserted from the Ukrainian army!   THIS is exactly why there have been reports coming out about the Kiev Junta demanding the army "shoot" deserters.....It is also a fact that we have been LIED to by our own governments when they say that they are only sending "arms" into Ukraine.. The US has been providing their proxy Government in Kiev with both arms and men from the very beginning of this "conflict" and we can see the evidence by revelations that US arms and US special forces are fully involved in the "conflict" in the eastern provinces and many are involved in the slaughtering of civilians as well.. It is disgusting.....Lets all get the truth out about exactly what is happening in Ukraine... I for one am sick and tired of the constant lies put out by our governments and the Jew spew media... Everyone must take a stand and let everyone know the real truths...More to comeNTS*Update, February 12th, 2015... Please watch the following pure propaganda bullshit report put out by the Ukrainian junta dictatorship in Kiev that is so full of lies and tries to attack these protests in Ukrainian villages against the illegal and criminal war in the eastern provinces.... If this does not show exactly how we are inundated by phony propaganda bullshit by our Jew spew media outlets, nothing else will....I am sick of the propaganda and the lies.... Hopefully everyone else feels the same way!