The Truth About The Syrian Refugee Crisis: WHO Is To Blame For This Crisis? America, Israel And Their Fraud ISIS Terrorist Group!

I have been watching closely over the last few days as the Jew spew media has been filling our media outlets with reports and pictures about the plight of Syrian refugees who have been fleeing Syria due to the US/Israel's illegal and brutal war against that peaceful nation...The situation came to a boil in the last few days alone with the reports about a 3 year old Syrian boy's  body that was washed up on the southern Mediterranean shore of Turkey....It was gut wrenching indeed to watch the video reports... But the real gut wrenching factor was in how the liars in our media claim who is responsible for the refugee crisis in the first place!I opened my local newspaper this morning as usual to catch  up on a few sports reports... And I could not help but see the headline "Syrian Refugee Crisis: Who Is To Blame?.... I figured I would turn to the article inside hoping that the news reporters would have it right and blame the criminal US/Israeli fraud "terrorist" group known as "ISIS" for this situation... But as expected, the inside article had a huge headline "Bashar al-Assad is to blame"! ... And the mini headlines all over the page had crap like "Bashar the butcher of Syria" all over them to boot...  It was so disgusting that I closed the newspaper and tossed it in the trash.....Since that point, I have called the head office of that rag "newspaper" demanding that they print a rebuttal and tell the truth.. The person that I spoke to said I had the right to put up a comment in the editorial section, but knowing their history of never publishing my previous "editorials" before, I declined....  It is so obvious again that we all have an uphill battle against the brainwashing effect of the liars in our Jew spew media to get the truth out into people's minds.....The dead Syrian child washing upon the Turkish shore is indeed a microcosm of the entire terrible situation that Syria is enduring due to the brutal American/Israeli led war to have that nation crushed and destroyed... But again people do need the facts about what has actually caused the Syrian people to have to flee their country and seek refuge in Europe... To help understand the real truth about this Syrian Exodus  to Europe, I want to present the following very important article from the AntiWar website, at, that is entitled: "Exodus To Europe: Who Is To Blame?", for all of my own readers to see the truth about exactly who has caused this horrific situation in the first place.. Here is that article, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Exodus to Europe: Who’s to Blame? Tens of thousands from the Middle East and North Africa are fleeing the wars by Justin Raimondo, August 31, 2015 As thousands of refugees wash up on the shores of Europe – over 107,000 in the last month – it is a scene of horror and misery untold. A truck load of 71 dead migrants was recently discovered in Austria: they had suffocated, and body fluids from their decomposing bodies dripping out of the back indicated that a tragedy awaited its discoverers. They come from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Is it a coincidence that these are all countries that have been attacked by the United States in its endless “war on terrorism”?From Libya, where Hillary’s war destroyed the country and handed it over to Islamist militants, refugees are being loaded onto rickety boats: thousands have died in a desperate attempt to escape the consequences of Libya’s  “liberation” from Gaddafi’s rule. Their homes obliterated, their infrastructure destroyed, their societies pulverized by the terrors of war and occupation, these desperate people are besieging Europe in the tens of thousands, traveling via Turkey to Greece, through Macedonia, Hungary, and Serbia, making for Germany and the West – ironically the source of their misery to begin with.Syria, once a country of over 22 million, has seen more than half its population either killed or forced to flee. And why? The interventionists blame the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, but this is a lie: the United States and its regional allies – Turkey, the Saudis, and the Gulf emirates – have been busy destabilizing the country for years. While the US has supposedly only been funding the so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels, the Turks, the Saudis, and the Gulf states have been organizing and funding the Al-Nusra Front, the local Al Qaeda affiliate – and most of the “moderates” have defected to the Islamic State. The US has steadfastly refused Russian efforts to broker a negotiated end to the Syrian civil war, consistently demanding that “Assad must go.” The Syrian despot is no angel – his air force is busy bombing civilian areas – but he retains significant support from the country’s Christian and Alawite minorities, who would face a massive purge if and when the Islamists take over. Syria’s plight is a direct consequence of US intervention in that country’s internal affairs: it is yet another regime-change operation gone bad. Without US encouragement, both political and material, the Syrian rebels would never have launched and sustained their revolt. Indeed, Washington has been eyeing Syria ever since the Bush administration targeted them in the early days of the Iraq war, and the Obama administration has continued the same policy in a ramped-up form: whereas the Bush folks merely threatened Damascus without doing much about it, the Obamaites have armed and trained Islamists of a supposedly “moderate” mien, while looking the other ways as its regional sock-puppets pour millions into the hardcore radical jihadists who are the mainstay of the Syrian opposition.The result: the decimation of an entire country, and a massive exodus that threatens to cause chaos in Europe, roiling ethnic tensions already at the boiling point – and destabilizing the Middle East, from Lebanon (where the influx of Sunni Syrians threatens the delicate balance of religious-political factions) to Jordan. The smugglers are being blamed for the plight of the refugees, and to be sure these are not humanitarians by any means: once they collect the exorbitant fees they charge, they could care less if the boats they load migrants on spring a leak and sink. Yet the real criminals are those who started the wars these people are fleeing: instead of arresting the smugglers they ought to be arresting the real criminals – the war criminals in Washington, Ankara, Riyadh, Doha, and half the capitals of Europe, whose imperial ambitions are the root cause of the greatest exodus in modern history.NTS Notes:  Again, we have all been so distracted over the last while by the fraud shooting in Virginia, and the fluff about the "Deflategate" laughable situation with the National Football League in America, that we have overlooked this ongoing crisis in Syria that has escalated to this terrible point where we see innocent children dying.... The Jew spew media has indeed done their job well in promoting the lie that this crisis is the fault of Bashar al-Assad, but we who truly understand the real situation know otherwise...I again must say flat out that Bashar al-Assad is absolutely 100% innocent when it comes to this crisis... His forces have been fighting a pitched battle against the American/Israeli criminal fraud "terrorist" groups including Al-Qaeda, and their recent creation known as "ISIS"..... The Americans and Israelis are now indeed using this Syrian refugee exodus and crisis as their latest and greatest propaganda tool to try to convince a more skeptical world that "something has to be done" in Syria... And of course they are using their lying media outlets to deflect the blame away from the real culprits and against the Bashar al-Assad government ....I must say that the propagandists in our media know how to get the crowds "tear jerked" when it comes to these crises.... This dead 3 year old Syrian boy washing up on the Turkish shore is strangely reminiscent of the "Incubator Babies" fraud story used skillfully by the liars in our governments and media back in 1990 to convince the world that they attack and destroy Iraq for its 'conquest' of Kuwait....One other note:  It is so amazing that these criminals in the Jew spew media are now so focused on this refugee crisis originating from Syria, while they have overlooked the Palestinian refugee crisis that has been going on for some 68 years and counting.... And what about the ongoing crisis for the survivors and refugees living in that open air prison camp known as Gaza?....But since this latest crisis works in favor of their demented and psychotic state of Israel, we know the answer....More to comeNTS