The Truth About The Syrian Refugee Crisis: The United States And Israel Are Fully Responsible For Creating The Crisis, And Some Straight Talk From Syrian Girl

I am truly sick by what I am watching come out of the Jew spew media outlets concerning the Syrian refugee crisis that has swamped Europe.... It is sickening that all we see are lies, lies, and even more lies, and especially the constant lies being pumped into gullible peoples' minds that Bashar al-Assad is somehow responsible for the crisis!  It is again therefore time for me to give people the truth.....I have already presented so much evidence in previous articles that show clearly that the present refugee crisis is absolutely the creation of the criminal nations of the United States and Israel.... These two monsters decided well over a decade ago .... Few remember Wesley Clark's famous statement on air that 7 nations were to be destroyed in the aftermath of the Israeli Mossad operation of 9-11!  If you do not remember it, here it is as a refresher:And of course we are now well aware that the United States and Israel created the scam "terrorist" group called "Al Qaeda" to foment unrest in every Middle Eastern nation that Wesley Clark talked about... So far 4 nations on his list (Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, and Libya) have already been destroyed due to the US/Israel fraud "war on terror", and initially they were wanting "Al Qaeda" to do the job in Syria as well... However, the good guys, the Syrian government forces have resisted "Al Qaeda" and basically up until 2012 were able to kick these criminals out of their nation... But in late 2013, lo and behold, we have "Al Qaeda" reformatted and reinvented into the more sinister and evil group called "ISIS".......Lets not beat around the bush here when it comes to this fraud "ISIS"... It is absolutely fully run, funded, and operated by both the American CIA and Israeli Mossad, and their goal is one thing and one thing only... To have the Syrian government overthrown and the peaceful nation of Syria destroyed in the process.... The US and Israel have failed so far in their sickening attempts to have Bashar al-Assad overthrown... Two years ago, they failed with the fraud "Chemical Weapons" bullshit story that Assad had "gassed" his own people, and in the following 2 years, in spite of the media lies, the Syrian forces were actually winning the battle against the Mossad/CIA fraud "terrorists"....Now the US decided to up the stakes this summer... There was a very evil Brookings institute directive released just last month that actually laid the blueprint for this Syrian "refugee crisis" that we are witnessing right now...Here is the Counterpunch online news source link for everyone to read.... Brookings Institute is a most criminal organization along the lines of the Council Of Foreign Relations that has been attempting to reform the entire planet (New World Order agenda) by having peaceful nations both subverted and destroyed.... There should be no doubt in anyone's minds that Syria is absolutely their present target for destruction...OK, Onto the present "crisis" and first I do want to present a disgusting example of how the Jew spew media has absolutely been manipulating and brainwashing everyone for the sole purpose of trying to create enough sympathy and disgust that people will actually support the attack and destruction of Syria...  Everyone remembers fully the recent pictures of that 3 year old Syrian boy "Aylan" that was pictured washed up on that southern Turkish beach?  Well, here comes an example of how the Jew spew media outlets have manipulated even that disgusting episode by actually moving the child's body to an open section of beach front for better "visual" effect... Read this Knights Templar International article for yourselves: was done purposely to maximize the shock effect in people to brainwash them falsely that "something" has to be done about Syria, meaning according to the jackals in the Jew spew media outlets... The invasion of Syria itself!   Sick beyond belief how low these psychos will stoop ....Now for the straight up about the present Syrian "refugee crisis"... I want to turn to the newest report from none other than Syrian Girl, Mimi, who presents a fabulous summary that everyone can view right here... NTS Notes:  Ok, Lets not kid ourselves here about this Syrian crisis... It was absolutely created by the criminals in the US and Israel for the purpose of creating world wide support to have Syria attacked and destroyed...As Syrian Girl points out, the "refugees" that have been coming into Europe are absolutely not all from Syria itself.. Many are coming across the Mediterranean Sea from Libya and many are indeed migrant workers of African descent... It is indeed startling that the Jew spew media continues to falsely claim that they are all "Syrian"... I believe that has been done purposely and that the liars in the media are banking on the ignorance of the general public in not knowing the difference!One other factor, and Syrian Girl does point it out as well... The Syrians that are indeed escaping their nation due to the American/Israeli genocide war against the Syrian people will indeed want to return to their nation once the crisis is over... Many of the media are falsely again reporting that many of these "refugees" from Syria are wanting to settle in Europe and elsewhere pemanently, but the truth is very much different...This report is only a general overview of the situation in Syria and about the Syrian refugee crisis as I see it.. There are many other holes yet to fill in this story, and I will cover many of them in future articles as well... People again need the truth about this crisis and exactly who is responsible for creating this mess in the first place...More to comeNTS