The Truth About The "Migrant Crisis" Flooding Europe: The Footage The Media Refuses To Broadcast!

I have absolutely been reading up the last while about this 'migrant crisis' that is overwhelming European nations.... I have also been disgusted by the false stories coming from the liars in our Jew spew media as they constantly claim (falsely) that these "migrants" are all "refugees" from Syria..... From what I have been reading over the alternative media outlets and not from the liars in the Jew spew media, there is definitely more to these migrants and this "crisis" in Europe than what we are being told, and that is why I am putting out this report to get to the real truth...First, I want to present the following very important video that comes from Youtube user "Migrant Truth" and is entitled: "Migrant Crisis: The Footage The Media Refuses To Broadcast" and is definitely a must see by not only my own readers, but everyone... It shows clearly that this "migrant crisis" is absolutely not what we are being told, and that definitely the liars in the Jew spew media are portraying these migrants as "victims" when in most cases they absolutely are not!  Here is that video, and I do have my own thoughts and comments and additional information to follow:NTS Notes:  One thing that I must clearly point out about this "crisis" is that these so called "refugees" are absolutely not as they seem.. Most are in fact migrant WORKERS that up until the time when Libya was destroyed by the criminal NATO attacks of 2011 were blocked from flooding into Europe via the Mediterranean Sea...It is a fact that few want to talk about that Muhammar Ghadaffi did in fact have agreements with the European Union to BLOCK illegal migrants from using Libyan ports to illegally migrate across the Mediterranean to southern European nations... That agreement of course ended with the illegal war against Libya and the subsequent murder of Ghadaffi himself... Now these migrants have been flooding into Libya from the sub-Saharan backwards countries they come from in horribly overloading boats in passage across the Mediterranean Sea to ports in Europe... We see the consequences of the folly of NATO destroying Libya with this flood of refugees that is not only NOT stopping but in recent months has been accelerating...It is also a fact that the media overlooks the obvious that these 'refugees' are absolutely NOT Syrian.. The majority that are shown in this video that are overwhelming European countries are black.  Syrians are absolutely NOT black!   This proves again that these migrants are exactly what I am claiming.. Illegal Sub-Saharan Black migrant workers!   They have no business in Europe and if they do want to immigrate to European nations there are absolutely proper immigration authorities and channels to do so.... Jumping on overloaded ships and falsely claiming to be "Syrian refugees"?  I don't think so....There is far more to this "migrant crisis" or "refugee crisis" than we are being told... Something inside me is saying that the criminal Jewish elite are behind this for their want to destroy European nations and possibly overwhelm the primary white populations of Europe in the process..... I am not racist, but this does appear to be exactly what is happening in Europe right now!I will continue with reports about this "crisis" that does appear to be wrecking Europe right now... The real truths about what is happening must be told, and absolutely not by the liars in our "media"...More to comeNTS