The TRUTH About Crimea: Crimea For Dummies!

After taking yesterday off from writing to concentrate on family issues, it is back to blogging...It seems that the criminal US President went in front of the United Nations Security Council just the other day and started spewing false rhetoric about the Russian Federation again, including an interesting tirade about how Russia should have never allowed (?) Crimea to rejoin the federation.   I have the link to an article that covers that speech here.   It was again nothing but false rhetoric and nothing more than pure lies... But again the US media has again tried their best to vilify Russia by making the false assertion that Russia "stole" or "annexed" Crimea!  I figure it is time for some clear evidence here about the real TRUTH about Crimea, and what Crimea is like today under so called "Russian Occupation".... Right now, I want to present the following very interesting video where Russia Today sent in an English speaking reporter, Miguel Francis, who is originally from the United States, to document some facts about what life is like in Crimea right now.. I have that very important documentary, entitled: "Crimea For Dummies" right here for everyone to see the real truth about Crimea for themselves, and of course I have my follow up comments and thoughts afterwards: NTS Notes:  One of the Crimean citizens that Francis interviewed laid it out clearly that Nikita Khrushchev, who was in charge of the Soviet Union after the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, decided to "give" Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic back in 1956 much to the dislike of the Russian speaking majority in Crimea at that time...  Then in 1991 when Ukraine became independent of the former Soviet Union there was indeed a referendum then which called for the people of Crimea to choose their future.  At that time in spite of the people voting very much to rejoin Russia, the decision was made by the Ukrainian government to instead turn Crimea into an "autonomous region" within Ukraine which would allow the Russians there some self government and supposedly allow them to maintain their Russian language and culture... But the Ukrainian government never honored those arrangements and as an example they tried to force Ukrainian language on the Russian speaking populace for the next 23 years....In March of this year of course we saw the criminal United States government overthrow the Ukrainian government in Kiev and impose a puppet dictatorship... Much of Ukraine has been enslaved to both the United States and the Rothschild criminally controlled European Union since.. However, the people of Crimea saw what was happening and realizing that their future was no longer tied to a criminally controlled regime in Kiev, called for a very legal referendum to decide their own future.. Again, they saw that their future was no longer with Ukraine and decided OVERWHELMINGLY (98.4% in favor) to rightfully and LEGALLY secede from Ukraine and return to mother Russia....The Crimean people have spoken and Russia honored their request by allowing them to return to Russia proper.  That is perfectly legal and binding under international law and all laws pertaining to referendums....Therefore, readers, we have the LIARS in our media and governments spew the lies that Crimea was "stolen" and/or "annexed" by Russia, when all the evidence is otherwise.... I personally am sick of the lies and now we have that criminal President of the United States again harp on the false rhetoric that Russia has stolen Crimea as more stupid attempts to vilify Russia itself....It is indeed time for everyone to see the truth as shown in this video... There is no "military occupation" of Crimea and no "starvation or mistreatment" of the people of Crimea as the Jew spew media continues to falsely promote.. The truth is absolutely otherwise...More to comeNTS