With Trump's Triumph, Where Will Neo-Nazi Candidates Win Down Ballot? Montana?

Trump is on a victory tour, telling cheering ugly racists to thank African Americans who didn't bother going to the polls for a poll many Democrats saw as unacceptable, even if she was the lesser of two evils. In Hershey, Pennsylvania Thursday night Trump called for the mostly white crowd to cheer for African-Americans who were "smart" to heed his message and therefore "didn't come out to vote." He keeps telling the dim fans who show up for these Hitlerian victory rallies that he won a landslide. He's lying of course, as he does virtually every time he opens his mouth. Hillary won the most votes-- not by a landslide but by a very healthy margin-- 65,788,567 (48.2%) to Trump's 62,955,343 (46.1%). She had 2,833,224 more votes than he did across the country. All the votes he got in the 4 most rot-gut Trumpified states combined-- West Virginia (489,371), Wyoming (174,419), Oklahoma (949,136) and North Dakota (216,794)-- were fewer than Hillary's nearly 3 million ote margin.But, whether you want to blame Putin or not, Trump won narrow margins in 3 normally blue states that put him over the hump and allowed him to claim a modest electoral college win:

• Michigan- 2,279,543 (47.5%) to 2,268,839 (47.3%)- a 10,704 vote margin• Wisconsin- 1,405,284 (47.2%) to 1,382,536 (46.5%)- a 22,748 vote margin• Pennsylvania- 2,970,733 (48.5%) to 2,926,441 (47.9%)- a 44,307 vote margin.

. That was 77,759 votes in those 3 states that together saw 657,460 votes cast for 3rd party candidates. And each one of those states there was a pivotal county-- whether hacked or not-- that gave Trump his unlikely victory in that state:

• Macomb, Michigan- 224,589 (53.6%) to 176,238 (42.1%)• Waukesha, Wisconsin- 145,519 (61.6%) to 79,199 (33.5%)• York, Pennsylvania- 126,933 (62.5%) to 67,428 (33.2%)

Clinton actually did better in Waukesha than Obama did-- almost 2,000 more votes and a point and a half better in the county. York was hurt her badly in Pennsylvania. Obama had scored 72,126 votes compared to Hillary's 67,427, about a 6 point dip from his performance. And Macomb was especially bad. Obama won it against Romney-- 207,992 (52%) to 191,896 (48%). Trump improved Romney's performance significantly-- 32,693 votes, while Clinton under-performed Obama by 31,754 votes-- in the state where Trump won by a mere 10,704 votes!The short documentary, up top, on white nationalism, one of the pillars of Trumpism, was put together by The Atlantic. It's about the pudgy neo-Nazi self-promoter Richard Spencer (who now is making noises about running for the soon-to-be-open Montana congressional Ryan Zinke is giving up to help Trump destroy the environment. It's hard to imagine-- in light of David Duke's 7th place, 3.0% showing in the Louisiana Senate race-- but if he managed to run and win the Republican primary, nearly unimaginable, it would mean the first Democrat in the House from Montana since Pat Williams retired two decades ago.Spencer, a Texan living in Virginia DC suburbs with some tenuous connection to Whitefish, Montana, is the "head" of some crazy Nazi outfit he and his friends started and named the National Policy Institute. He grandly told the Huffington Post that "If I did this, it would not be some eccentric campaign that no one talks about and is a footnote to history. It would become a major conversation around the country... just because of my profile in the alt-right. Again, I would only do it to win it."One of Spencer's racist pals, Taylor Rose, ran against Columbia Falls Democrat Zac Perry in a very swingy Montana district and was defeated by Perry 2,464 (53.0%) to 2,186 (47.0%). Spencer, Rose and other neo-Nazis and racists see Trump’s victory-- he won 50 of Montana's 56 counties (274,120 to 174,521, one of Clinton's worst performances anywhere)-- as a first step towards a whites-only state. "Trump definitely energized the alt-right... I don't see myself," said the delusional, half-insane Spencer, "as a marginal figure who's going to be hated by society. I see myself as a mainstream figure... Our lived experience is being a young, white person in 21st century America, [and] seeing your identity be demeaned. I’ve lived in this multicultural mess for years and I’m trying to get out of it."Please watch the video above-- especially if you hate Jews and agree with these freaks that women shouldn't have the vote. These are Trump's shock troops and they see themselves of changing America in their image. You owe it to yourself to be prepared for what's coming. Spencer wants to revive the Roman Empire for Italians, Scots, Russians, white Americans, Finns... "a safe space for all Europeans from around the world."