Trumps hits 50% approval rating, crushes Obama’s numbers at same moment in his presidency

Another liberal left talking point, “Trump’s low approval rating” has now been shattered and debunked, as the daily presidential tracking Rasmussen poll has President Trump at a 50% approval on April 2, 2018.
Neo-liberal savior Barack Obama was at 46% on April 2, 2010.
Matt Drudge was quick to point out the approval rating shock numbers to Obama and his followers on Twitter (screenshot below because Drudge usually deletes his tweets)…

Obama was at 46% on 4/2/10…
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) April 2, 2018

The Gateway Pundit reports…

Imagine what President Trump’s poll numbers would be if over 90% of the media coverage wasn’t negative.
Obama was propped up by the propagandists in the fake news media and his poll numbers were still lower than Trump’s.
President Trump also crushed Obama in a Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll on February 7th of 2018.

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