Trump's Approval Numbers Just Plummeted

Gallup tracks Trump's approval/disapproval numbers weekly. Last week was a doozy-- right over the cliff. I wonder why. Maybe some people didn't like the idea of teargassing children at the border. Or maybe it was that Climate Change report. In fact, Trump seems to have panicked when it came out and realized his supporters might get mad. So, yesterday, right after the Gallup numbers-- which Trump watches like a hawk-- came out, he dragged his fat ass down to the White House press corps and had 4 words to say about it: "I don't believe it." That's his own administration's official National Climate Assessment. Maybe that's why he insisted it be released on the worst news day of the year.Still... I would think any of the awful crap Trump spewed out over the last week would impact people who already hate him and wish him all the worst, not the diehard 33-40% of the imbeciles who still consider themselves fans.Is it possible that it was as simple as Trump fans just being upset with him for losing the midterms?