Trump Election Cartoons- The View From Outside of the USA

 hattip Gallier for sharing these cartoons reflecting on the recent US election.Clearly E& R is having some fun with this election!I'm just going to include 5 of them, that easily cross any language or cultural bridges.Gallier did translate them all in his comment below (at the link) and all cartoons are accessible at highlighted link.Enjoy!Merci Gallier

gallier2November 14, 2016 at 1:07 PM
Hi Penny,E&R published its weekly cartoons. As its theme is about Trump, i.e. it can be applied to a broader world wide public, I offer here the translations for all of them. I will add some comments in brackets to add a little bit of context when I think necessary).First, here the link:…

  No translation necessary!Why didn't the Americans vote Clinton in the end ? Madonna and Lady Gaga back Clinton!Gallier 2- [I love the Madonna caricature here, really fitting]Gallier2- [ nice quenelle, if one wanted to understand what a quenelle represents, Trumps election looks very close to be an archetype]Pretty sure everyone here understands the quenelle? 19. Garbage media.  Finally: 22. Post-election spéléological analysis.-1: federal reserve-2: elites-3: pollster-4: mainstream media-5: show business-6: Wall-street-7: multi-culturalism-8: globalism-9: political correctness-10: human right-ism-11: immigrationism-12: identity politicsdepthFrom earlier:

Three US Special Forces Soldiers, Working For the CIA, Killed in Jordan.