Trump campaign ad exposes Hunter Biden’s dodgy deals with China…and soon Ukraine (Video)

Via Zerohedge (…
The Trump reelection campaign is out with a new ad attacking Joe and Hunter Biden’s close ties to China.
The two-minute ad spotlights Joe Biden’s cozy relationship with Chinese President Xi, interspersed with clips of destitute Americans whose jobs were outsourced during the Obama-Biden years.
It then puts Hunter’s China profiteering on blast – including footage of both Bidens denying they’ve ever spoken of his lucrative dealings, such as a trip he took to China to establish a joint investment fund with a Chinese bank.
Then, the clip features House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitting in an interview that China and Iran prefer Biden over Trump.

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Trump Campaign Ad Exposes Hunter Biden’s Dodgy Deals With China…and Soon Ukraine by The Duran

Trump campaign ad exposes Hunter Biden’s dodgy deals with China…and soon Ukraine. The Duran Quick Take: Episode 643. Via Zerohedge (…)… The Trump reelection campaign is out with a new ad attacking Joe and Hunter Biden’s close ties to China.
