Trump asks, “What the hell is going in Chicago?” The answer he got back was simple

While former President Obama waged war on upwards of seven countries around the world, America’s inner cities were thrown into their own conflict zone, with murder rates skyrocketing in cities like Chicago during Obama’s eight years in office.
The Obama administration further exacerbated the problem of rising murder rates in Chicago, by diligently working to delegitimize Chicago’s police force, labeling it a racist organization that uses “deadly force”.
US President Trump is focusing in on Chicago’s murder rate, setting up a US federal government showdown with Chicago’s Democrat mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Zerohedge reports

After threatening to “send in The Feds” yesterday – after seeing the “carnage” in Chicago – President Trump asked (rhetorically) during his address to Congressional Republicans today, “what the hell is going in Chicago?” He received a surprising one-word answer that seemed to sum things up rather well…
With 44 homicides already recorded, Chicago is on pace for 60 murders in the opening month of January which would exceed the two-decade record high set last year.

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