A Travesty Of Real Justice: Arthur Topham Has Been Found Guilty Of One Count Of "Inciting Hate" In Canadian Kangaroo Court!

I knew this was going to happen... There was NO WAY the Jewish power "elite" that controls this once free nation called Canada would allow any of their slaves to exercise what little "freedom of speech" they have and would ensure that Jewish control over our so called "judicial system" here is supreme.... So it goes with what has just happened in that "court" in Quesnel, British Columbia, where Arthur Topham's trial has just concluded.... And the outcome is a true travesty for all Canadians...For according to this brand new report that comes directly from the Quesnel Observer, at www.quesnelobserver.com, it appears that the jury in Arthur Topham's ridiculous trial for "inciting hate" has just reached their verdict today.. And Arthur Topham has been found "Guilty" of ONE count of the ridiculous "crime" of "inciting hate".... Here is the link to the report from the Quesnel Observer for everyone to read for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:http://www.quesnelobserver.com/breaking_news/347058502.html NTS Notes:  Honestly, was there any doubt about this outcome?  Again there was no way in hell that the Jews would allow any of their slaves here in Canada to be truly free, and they obviously did everything in their power to subvert that "jury" and have it come to this type of ridiculous verdict.....Lets face the facts right here.. This outcome shows the entire world that Canada is a full slave nation of Jewish power and there is NO freedom of speech at all in this once free nation.... It is a travesty and will have far reaching implications for all of us that have wanted the truth about the criminality of this "tribe" exposed for everyone to see....Yes, the Canadian court system is now a laughing stock and nothing more than a true "kangaroo court" where if anyone challenges the Jewish power elite, they are automatically guilty no matter what defense they bring forth in any "trial".... We have seen this travesty before when Ernst Zundel was on trial for his questioning of history, and now we see it with Arthur Topham for his wanting Canada to be a free nation....As the article states, we are waiting for what the outcome will be with this ONE count of "inciting hate"... I will keep everyone posted as to what Arthur's conviction will be, and what his future holds in an upcoming article.. Stay tuned...Truth needs no law to support it. Truth is self-evident to all. Truth withstands re-examination. Truth survives questions. Throughout history, from Galileo to Zundel, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.More to comeNTS