"Transgender Mania is a Symptom of Cultural Collapse" Paglia

I sure cannot disagree with that!By way of  21st Century Wire

Sex reassignment surgery, even today with all of its advances, cannot in fact change anyone’s sex.”“Ultimately, every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, remains coded for your biological birth.”“I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the multiplicity of gender.”“Everywhere in the world you find this pattern in ancient times: that as a culture begins to decline, you have an efflorescence of transgender phenomena. That is a symptom of cultural collapse.”Watch the full interview with the author below, where she brands parents who help young children attempt to change their gender as ‘child abusers’:

Parents who help young children attempt to change their gender- "child abusers"I agree with that- whole heartedly!