Tradition, A-historical Positions and the Fallacy of Authority

Jay's Analysis
A library itself is an embodiment of tradition.

By: Jay

If a legal case was considering a man charged with adultery, would all the prosecution’s arguments be ad hominem? Of course not.

Several interesting discussions recently erupted with friends of mine that concern an interesting question regarding gold, libertarianism and appeals to authority.  These all relate in regard to a debate about Bitcoin and virtual currencies.  But aside from the question of Bitcoin, the issue of debate is about humans and human praxis.  Is it possible to create new system or government or new way of humans acting, and then simply implement it?  Will humans eventually “evolve” to no longer care about gold, jewels or assets, and move on to some new medium of exchange?  Is human nature malleable and in flux, able to be determined or altered by external stimuli?  Is every appeal to the past or history or an authority…
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