Tonight, with Brian Eno on DiEM-TV, to discuss SOCIETY AFTER COVID-19

DiEM TV welcomes you tonight  to the latest instalment intended to offer escape and hope in this time of confinement and frustration. Our pandemic had three effects on our political reality: It has magnified the never-ending crisis that began in 2008. It has proved that the government must and can act massively in the common interest. And tt has temporarily revealed the true nature of politics – which is the question of WHO has the POWER to DO WHAT TO WHOM. So, the question for this evening is: How will this change society? And, is there a realistic utopian vision of society after the virus that can help avert the nastier of scenaria? In grappling with this question there can be no better DiEM-TV guest than Brian Eno – remarkable artist & co-founder of DiEM.

This discussion will be live-streamed on the DiEM25 Youtube channel. Please ask your questions ahead of the event via the registration form.

WHEN: 03/04/2020 @ 20:00 – 21:00

WHERE: Online


AUDIENCE: Anyone can join; you don’t have to be a DiEM25 member. Please register for the event in order to get a link sent to your email. The registration form also allows you to ask a question to the panelists, suggest next topics and next guests.

Register here