Tom Secker Interview, Humanarchy, TRR#93

Tom Secker returns to Trans Resister Radio to discuss a new project, The new website is a hub for people who want to empower themselves, and go beyond the shortcomings of most political philosophy. If this is something that interests you, then be sure to check out the site, join the forum, and feel free to help produce unique material.
Topics include: Humanarchy, forum, publishing, philosophy, anarchy, libertarian ideas, fault of utopian projects, dealing with situation at hand, proactive anarchy, human behavior, political philosophy, apathy, society, positive outlook, subjectivity, transhumanism, mutual respect in debate, dynamic process, content creation, open source political philosophy, seizing inspiration, media, videos, sense of humor, Edward Snowden movie, collaboration on projects, alternative media, Bill or Billy game, spoiled ballot paper, election officials, democratic action, poking fun, trouble with most alternative political movements
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