TMR 130 : The Fireside Nephilim Boys on TMR - Happy New Year !

To kick off the New Year here at TMR we welcome The Fireside Nephilim Boys—a multinational think-tank affiliated to Like Flint Radio—who join us from diverse regions of the globe for a friendly, entertaining and sometimes controversial roundtable chat about... well, pretty much anything that managed to get under our collective skin during 2015.

Is NASA hiding the truth about all our washing machines? Do missing socks hold the key to Nephilim reproduction? Was Jade Helm secretly organised by Turkish President Erdoğan as a means of distracting the US people from the dangers of termite-generated global warming? Join us—Garth Kennedy (Australia), Frank Johnson (US), Crusy (South Africa), Cliff Garner (US) and Yours Truly (UK)—as we discuss these (well, perhaps not precisely these) and many other subjects and put the world to rights in just under two hours. (For show notes please visit