TLE 1 - A Brand New* Program

On this inaugural of Timeline Earth (a very unique, new, and interesting Wednesday Program), Rollo and Slappy pay us a visit at our brand new studio and we gather around the small, stained table for a game of Biden vs. Manson! Aaron begins the slowly tearing the entire building apart to sell scrap for [redacted] money, Car struggles to win a game, and Bird reminds us about a man with hairy legs. 
Guests: Rollo McFloogle (@RolloMcFloogle) and Slappy Jones II (@Slappy_Jones_2)
Follow the Timeline Earth @TimelineEarth for memes, hijinks, and elfish breakdowns.
Bird (@birdarchist)
Car (@CarCampIt)
Aaron (@gfyFEMAr1)
*Newness may vary