Tinseltown Endorsements-- Do They Hurt A Candidate In… Tinseltown? In Kentucky?

You've probably noticed that I've been sympathetic-- even inspired-- by Marianne Williamson's congressional race in the very upscale L.A. Westside district, CA-33, that includes, iconic "Hollywood" communities like Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Malibu, Venice, Bel Air, Brentwood, Manhattan Beach, Marina dell Rey, Westwood, Rancho Palos Verdes, even a little bit of West Hollywood itself. A lifelong progressive Democrat, she's running as an Independent-- the same way that Bernie Sanders has always chosen to run as an Independent, not as a Democrat. Although the Democrats eventually stopped, Sanders, when he was a congressman, always had to fight off both a Republican and a Democrat to be reelected. Marianne told me she's a great admirer of Sanders and also of Maine's Senator Angus King (less trustworthy on progressive matters; he joined the GOP this week in voting NO on Paycheck Fairness). Still, it is a combination of her strong progressive positions, her ability to communicate those ideas in a cogent way-- something almost no U.S. politicians are capable of-- and her independent spirit that have fascinated me with Marianne's campaign. But is her campaign "too Hollywood"-- even for Hollywood?She kicked off the campaign with music from multimillion-selling singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette, a true believer. So far so good. Alanis is arguably one of the great musical talents whose songs have had a profound impact on the lives of countless millions of people. Some could see her as kind of a musical version of Marianne herself.Then Marianne had a fundraiser with Jason Mraz, another talented musician who has adoring followers who have been moved by the power of his lyrics and his music. Perfect for Marianne. And what could ever be better than a fundraising event in Malibu featuring performances by Chaka Khan? Except that it was written by Ashford and Simpson and broke Chaka's solo career wide open in 1978, "I'm Every Woman" (up top) could have been written by Chaka as a campaign song for Marianne! Steven Tyler also performed at that event and he certainly has star-power, if nothing else. And that's where it gets funny-- when you go from people who write profound songs that impact peoples' lives to… star power. And it got worse FAST. A few days later there was a press release about an endorsement from Nicole Richie. Not even Lionel-- who has some accomplishments-- but the worthless celebrity-for-the-sake-of-celebrity daughter, Nicole, partner of Paris Hilton. Oh, please God, I thought, let her not announce an endorsement from Paris Hilton.She didn't, but a few days later something just as bad: Kardashians. "Maybe it's time to just endorse Ted Lieu and get over this Marianne Williamson obsession," one of my advisers advised. Ted Lieu has a solidly progressive record and is a skilled and accomplished legislator… but without that intangible magic that so few American political leaders have, that rare ability to communicate big and important ideas in ways that touch people profoundly. Marianne can do that. And, unlike, say Wendy Greuel, the very worst of the Democrats in the crowded field, she isn't soliditing endorsements from garden variety corrupt politicians. As far as I know, the only elected official backing Marianne so far is Keith Ellison, and he declared in his formal endorsement that Marianne "is a progressive leader who offers to inject a spirit of love, generosity and inclusion into politics as usual. We sure need it. Not only does she challenge conventional politics, but she also challenges spiritual activists because she invites them to bring mindfulness and love into the profane world of politics where knotty problems like campaign finance, stagnant wages, and climate change need solving. Of course, the spiritual activists, like Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Bishop Desmond Tutu, have always incorporated the sacred into their activism, and achieved results. So in a way, her candidacy is reminding us of how true and meaningful change really happens."YES! That's an endorsement worth having. But what about… Katy Perry's green slimy hair?

While Williamson’s platform is focused on serious issues like “climate change, humanitarianism, demilitarization, and corporate regulation,” the majority of her media coverage has centered on only one aspect of her campaign: her star-studded supporters. On Tuesday evening, Williamson received support from reality star sisters Kim and Kourtney Kardashian, B-list fashion maven Nicole Richie, and pop princess Katy Perry at her press event held at the Kayne Griffin Corcoran Gallery in L.A. Publicity for Williamson’s campaign came second to Perry’s new “slimey” green hairdo, Kim’s plunging neckline, and Kourtney’s near Marilyn moment, leading us to wonder: why is she relying on a slew of socialite-cum-celebrities to reach her constituents?"Throughout my career I have been an advocate for women, in all aspects of their lives,” Williamson told The Daily Beast when asked how endorsements from Richie and Kardashian will help her congressional campaign. “This campaign is reaching out to woman across the district hoping to engage them in the political process. The endorsements of these young influential women are a great vehicle to amplify the message of getting money out of politics, encouraging the return of this country to what the Founders intended: a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. From issues of poverty to war to economic justice, women can make the difference in moving the country in a more positive direction."…But is commissioning the likes of Richie, Perry, and the Kardashians a strategic move on Williamson’s part? While she emphasized that their support will help amplify her political message, it’s hard to understand how that will happen when the celebs have yet to express in concrete terms why they support her candidacy. It’s understandable for a budding politician to seek support from those well-connected, especially those who can reach today’s youth—but it’s hard to imagine a sex-tape star and a celebrity offspring are the perfect champions when they fail to mention any of Williamson’s specific qualifications or causes.

Doesn't everyone want celebrities endorsing their campaigns? Well, sure… celebrities who are celebrities because of something that touches people deeply-- like Chaka and Jason and Alanis. But Kardashians. Oy veh! And this is in Hollywood itself. What happens when you take this dynamic into Middle America-- the way Republicans are trying to do in order to denigrate Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes. Unlike Marianne, Grimes is a pretty standard, garden variety Democratic politician. Better than a Republican, much better than her opponent, Mitch McConnell, but not someone who could ever connect with people on a level Marianne Willaimson does. But "Hollywood" likes her too-- and is driving the right-wing crazy by helping her raise money against McConnell. A far right propaganda sheet screams: "The Tinseltown elite set their sights on Mitch McConnell." They're using an argument that would never work in CA-33. "Hollywood," opines the crackpot editors of the Moonie-owned Washington Times, "is all about pretense and posturing-- beautiful plastic people pretending to be someone else, declaiming against a backdrop of facades that look like buildings. So why wouldn’t Hollywood open its checkbooks to contribute to Alison Lundergan Grimes?"

Mrs. Grimes, Kentucky’s secretary of state, has smiled and chirped her way across the state trying to avoid debate like a terrified Dracula dodging sunlight. Nevertheless, Mrs. Grimes, 35, is neck and neck with Mr. McConnell in the early public-opinion polls.She is short on experience, having served only two years as “secretary of state,” which sounds considerably grander than it actually is. Her duties include registering trademarks, supervising the printing of ballots, keeping the archive of land grants, keeping up with the honorary “Kentucky colonels” appointed by the governor. She’s the Official Keeper of the Great Seal of Kentucky.These are important jobs all, of course, but none to prepare her for considering the issues she would face in the U.S. Senate. She’s probably wise to stick to mouthing harmless platitudes. She’s an actress who wants to play senator, and that’s why Hollywood can’t get enough of her.Twinkletown’s big studios, including DreamWorks, Time Warner, William Morris, Lions Gate and Walt Disney, have all chipped in five-figure donations. Apatow Productions, the company behind Judd Apatow’s R-rated comedies Bridesmaids, Superbad, Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin, contributed $10,400.Celebrities have reached into their own pockets to advance the cause. The Hill, the Capitol Hill political daily, reports that nearly 70 Hollywood A-listers who have given a total of $250,000 to Mrs. Grimes include Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Woody Allen, Ted Danson, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Spielberg, Jon Hamm and Nicolas Cage.Her treasury continues to swell, with recent cash from Hollywood swells like Jay Roth, the executive director of the Directors Guild of America; Sidney Ganis, the former president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and director of Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. David Frankel, who directed “The Devil Wears Prada,” contributed the maximum $5,200, and so did Chris Weitz, the producer of New Moon and American Pie. Songwriter Tom Lehrer did his little bit. …Mrs. Grimes is no doubt a nice lady, but Hollywood values, such as they are, do not connect with Kentucky values. Any idea that she could come to Washington to accurately represent Kentucky would only be an act.

Do Moonie values connect with Kentucky values? Blundering, drugged-up imbecile Rick Perry (R-TX) endorsed Mitch McConnell. Is that better than being endorsed by Katy Perry? Or worse? Slimy conservative warmonger Adam Schiff, from the district next door, endorsed Wendy Greuel. That's worse than getting endorsed by a Kardashian. Alanis Morissette and Chaka Khan have touched far more real peoples' lives, and in a far more positive and meaningful way, than Wendy Greuel or Mitch McConnell ever will. Anyone know who Paris Hilton plans on endorsing?Friday CA-33 Candidates' Forum. Notice the difference? Notice how Williamson is the only one to stand up to the question from the misinformed Hate Talk Radio Republican about California jobs moving to Texas? Wendy Greuel wouldn't understand responding to a question like that if her life depended on it.