Time To Blow The Charlie Hebdo FRAUD Shootings In Paris Right Out Of The Water! If THIS Video Does Not Convince Everyone We Are Dealing With A False Flag, Then Nothing Will!

I honestly had hoped by this point that people would finally have gotten the message and seen the truth that this "Charlie Hebdo shooting" fiasco was indeed a false flag operation perpetrated on the French public and that absolutely NOBODY has died!   It is just too bad that there are so many brain dead zombies out there that just are either too stupid, too intoxicated by the poisons they injest, or simply too ignorant, to see the facts that we are all being played as suckers......Well, it looks like I again have to present the best damning evidence out there that shows that this Charlie Hebdo shooting was indeed a hoax.  And if this does not convince everyone, then nothing will or most people are just too far gone and beyond hope to see the truth.... Right now, I want to present this very short and to the point video that shows CLEARLY that the entire "shooting" was an operation and most definitely a false flag event... The video is simply entitled: "Update: Paris shooting Terror Attacks - Policeman hand special effect failed - hoax "drill" and I have it right here for everyone to see for themselves... I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: WHY am I not surprised by this?  Every single mass "shooting" that has occurred over the last several years right across the planet have been either exposed as "false flag" events, and/or show all the earmarks of being operations for using the propaganda of fear on the general public so that people will seek "security" from "terrorism".....  We can chalk up this "Hebdo fraud" as being in the same league as the faked "Sandy Hook shootings" and even the faked "Boston Bombing"...... This video is the most damning evidence that I have seen that shows clearly that this was indeed an operation... This video is so important that I definitely want everyone to take it and show it to EVERYONE where ever and when ever possible... The sooner people everywhere see this fraud in all its glory, the sooner we can stop our own criminal governments that want to take away our freedoms as a result of this false flag event.....More to comeNTS