Third blast rocks Kabul

Afghanistan government forces have been on high alert since the Taliban launched a series of offensives in August [Xinhua]
The Afghanistan government said on Monday that its forces had retaken from the Taliban a district in the eastern mountainous province of Paktia just as double bombings struck near the defense ministry in Kabul killing at least 24 people, including senior military officials.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the double bombings in a statement.
A third blast was reported in the capital late Monday. Witnesses said the third blast was caused by a suicide bomber in the Shahr-e-Naw, followed by gunfire. There have been no precise reports of casualties at press time.
“The first explosion occurred on a bridge near the defence ministry. The second struck just as soldiers, policemen and civilians hurried to help the victims,” defence ministry spokesman Mohammad Radmanish told AFP.
Interior Ministry Spokesman Sediq Sediqi told local media that an explosive device went off at a police district, and as police rushed to the scene a suicide bomber blew himself up killing and injuring many who were nearby.
The Defense Ministry is located near a number of other ministries and the Presidential palace.
This is the latest in an onslaught of attacks by the Taliban throughout the summer, the most recent targeting an American University campus just over a week ago.
Meanwhile, the successful government counterattack in the district of Jani Khel in Paktia is being seen as a strategic victory because it recaptured a vital road which linked other districts.
The Taliban, who have been on the offensive for the first time since May, had seized the road intersection last week.
The BRICS Post with inputs from Agencies
