They Say Not Every Single Republican Is A Pedophile

After it came out-- and kept coming out-- that Roy Moore had sexually molested underage girls and was banned from the mall he used to go to to try to prey on them-- Republican senators, one by one, started withdrawing their endorsements of his campaign. The very last to finally give in and unendorse Moore was Ted Cruz (R-TX). McConnell and his allies has been warning Republicans in Congress that Moore will hurt the whole party and could be a devastating factor in the 2018 midterms. One of his spokesmen said "Not only does Moore really hurt Republicans in the Senate and Republicans nationally, he also does great damage to the conservative movement because now every conservative has to answer for Roy Moore. Roy Moore comes along, claiming to be a conservative, and now all conservatives are saddled with a guy who is known for one thing and that’s assaulting kids."Every Republican elected official in Alabama, though, is sticking with Moore, with the exception of Senator Richard Shelby (a former Democrat). And then there's Señor Trumpanzee. He's also been credibly accused of molesting-- and even raping-- underage girls, so it would be a little extreme to expect him to take the high moral ground on this. He all but endorsed Moore last week. Right afterwards Arizona Senator Jeff Flake was on the air with right-wing radio host Brian Kilmeade calling Trump's endorsement "a big mistake... I think he should distance himself from Roy Moore, even if it means loosing that seat... [I]f the choice was between Roy Moore and a Democrat, I would vote for the Democrat if I lived in Alabama," said Flake.Morning Joe host Willie Geist said that if Moore wins and winds of being seated, the GOP will be "the party of a pedophile" and that Señor T would be "saddled with" the shame that he "stood up and took the side of an accused pedophile."