THERESA MAY: hated by the far-left, far-right and almost everyone else

When one aspires to be an allegedly conservative politician like Theresa May, a woman with a well known reputation as being “difficult” according to colleagues, one would think such a person would win praise from the right-wing social commentator Katie Hopkins.
Hopkins is sort of a female Milo Yiannopoulos who doesn’t know a great deal about Islam but she sure knows she doesn’t like it. For all she is and is not, many people in Britain do listen to her and like her. She should not be censored, even for those like me who despise what she says about one of a great religion.
Listening to her has paid off and I speak as fierce anti-war, social conservative who never had much time for Hopkins in the past. Her recent remarks about the tragic fire in London which destroyed the homes of hundreds of people certainly made many take notice.
Writing in the UK tabloid Daily Mail, Hopkins seemed to have a cathartic moment, one that ought to be taken seriously. I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of her recent statement, just as I have not doubted it when I disagreed with her Islam nor when I agreed with her on supporting Donald Trump.
She wrote words which could bring tears to one’s eyes, with or without knowing the author.
Katie Hopkins wrote,

“We stuffed a shitty tower block full of immigrants, the poor and the least powerful in one of Britain’s richest boroughs, and then turned it into a Roman candle. It is a just punishment that so many of us were forced to watch it burn. Penitence for our sins.
We deserve to feel bad. I feel bad. We are just down the hill from the posh places where perfect mums push prams around homes too big for the souls inside.
We have gone very wrong.
Instead of fixing a problem we hid it behind cladding apparently so flammable it went up like tinder.
Instead of listening to worried residents, who predicted all this would happen, we ignored them until it did.
Quite simply, the people at risk weren’t important enough, weren’t connected enough. They had no voice and no power. Many were in homes provided by the council.
I can hear myself saying: you have to be grateful for what you are given; beggars can’t be choosers. I thought I was a hard capitalist.
But not this – no one deserves this.
No one should be grateful to live in a death trap. No one should have to. Even if it looks pretty on the outside.
How many lives have to be lost to make people sit up and take notice?
Two hundred? Four?
This event marks a macabre new exchange rate, where the life of one politician is infinitely more valued than the life of the 600 people they are supposed to represent.
This is the worst possible face of capitalism. The worst of all truths. And it stinks”.

If even someone as generally pro-capitalist and often as downright snobby as Katie Hopkins is blaming political neglect for the tragedy which destroyed the homes of over 100 people, it truly means that the British Conservative party, responsible at both a local and national level for the seemingly negligent acts which caused the unnecessary carnage, is in big political trouble.
Far from doing damage control, the deeply unpopular UK Prime Minister Theresa May went to the scene of the fire without speaking to a single resident.
By contrast, Labour opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn spoke at length with those who had lost their homes, assuring them that he will bring them both justice and some measure of recompense.

The British Conservative Party was once described by the Conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli as “an organised hypocrisy”.
He was wrong…it’s disorganised.
The post THERESA MAY: hated by the far-left, far-right and almost everyone else appeared first on The Duran.
