Thai Crisis: Alternative Thai News Round Up

December 18, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - With the ongoing counter-color revolution unfolding in Thailand against the Wall Street-backed regime of Thaksin Shinawatra, here are some stories published on Alternative Thai News that weren't yet posted on Land Destroyer.

Thailand: Inside the Mind of a Thaksin Regime Supporter

Disturbing 2009 interview with pro-Thaksin demagogue reveals mentality of regime's supporters - utter ignorance regarding human rights, basic human freedom, and the very concept of democracy they claim to be defending. December 16, 2013 (Forward by Tony Cartalucci) - The following interview via Chiang Mai City Life, features pro-Thaksin demagogue Kanyapak (DJ Aom) Maneejak in late 2009, revealing "democracy" as defined by the current regime's supporters. From demanding participants of a legally sanctioned parade get their approval before proceeding (after violently dispersing a previous parade), to claiming "self-defense" when butchering an old man outside of his own home with knives and guns, to referring to convicted criminal, fugitive, and mass murderer, billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra, as the "embodiment of democracy," we are given a roller coaster ride through the twisted minds of Thailand's electorate which continues to return a dangerous criminal to power, whether or not he is on the ballot, or even in the country.Remember the indicative words of Kanyapak the next time the Western media attempts to claim Thailand's current regime is "democratically elected," and their expectations for the rest of the country to simply shut up, sit down, and remain hostages to this clearly undemocratic, uncivilized mentality. Behold, inside the mind of a Thaksin regime supporter... Continue Reading Here 

New York Times Condemns Thailand's Counter Color Revolution

NYT hit piece claims unlike US State Department-backed "Arab Spring," current anti-regime protests in Thailand seek "less democracy."December 17, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - The New York Times' Thomas Fuller has persistently written hit pieces regarding Thailand's political situation for years. In his most recent piece titled, "In Thailand, Standing Up for Less Democracy," he claims: 

"In a world now accustomed to democratic upheavals, including the Arab Spring and the Saffron and Orange Revolutions, the weeks of political upheaval in Thailand stand out for one main peculiarity. Protesters massing on the streets here are demanding less democracy, not more."

Ironically, it was the NYT itself that revealed the true nature of the so-called "Arab Spring." In its article titled, "U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings," it was stated:

"A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington." Continue Reading Here

Asian Correspondent - Journalism or Infomercial?

December 18, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - One may wonder about the one-sided pro-West editorial tones and outright propaganda peddled on the online "news" site,  Asian Correspondent. It is clear in Thailand, its "blogger collective" backs the regime and despises the protesters, in lockstep with the West's traditional corporate media (ReutersBBCNYT). Who are these "bloggers" and what is this platform called "Asian Correspondent?"It is a business - and it is a business funded by Western corporations, as well as clearly driven by their interests. This is in fact openly admitted by Asian Correspondent founder, James Craven. A Guardian article titled, " to build far-east foreign reporting collective," stated: Continue Reading Here

Thailand: Picking the Mind of a BBC Propagandist

Jonathan Head of the BBC is well informed, knows right from wrong, but either is told to, or willfully chooses to deceive his audience. December 18, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - During an impromptu debate today with the BBC's Jonathan Head regarding a recent exposé on his deplorable coverage of Thailand's ongoing political crisis, much was learned about what he really knows and what his reporting willfully omits. It is not that he disagrees with the truth - in fact - he seems to have a very good grasp on it. It is instead, that he chooses to weave a narrative that leads unsuspecting readers away from that truth.The following transcript has been modified to replace shorthand necessary when using Twitter, with more readable English: Continue Reading Here  
