Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Are Gushing Into A Few Dozen Congressional Districts

Huge amounts of money is being spent between today and next Tuesday in hot congressional races, much of it on negative TV ads, negative TV ads that tend to cancel themselves out and have a net impact of zero. (It's a massive waste of money that serves only one purpose: making insider operatives incredibly wealthy.) Below are the dozen races where the DCCC and Pelosi's House Majority PAC on one end, and the NRCC and Ryan's House Leadership PAC on the other end, have been spending the most aggressively. This is what had been spent as of yesterday, not what will be spent going forward:

• MN-08- $11,779,489
Nolan (D)- $6,249,536Stewart Mills (R)- $5,529,953

• PA-08- $10,978,713

Steve Santarsiero (D)- $5,343,881Brian Fitzpatrick (R)- $5,634,832

• FL-26- $9,603,913

Joe Garcia (D)- $4,664,849Carlos Curbelo (R)- $4,939.064

• NV-03- $9,011,908

Jacky Rosen (D)- $3,765,698Danny Tarkanian (R)- $5,246,210

• NV-04- $8,453,140

Ruben Kihuen (D)- $3,469,123Cresent Hardy (R)- $4,984,017

• VA-10 $7,916,742

LuAnn Bennett (D)- $3,5532,058Barbara Comstock (R)- $4,384,684

• TX-23- $7,574,997

Pete Gallego (D)- $3,589,640Will Hurd (R)- $3,985,357

• NY-19- $6,943,193

Zephyr Teachout (D)- $1,660,574John Faso (R)- $5,282,619

• CA-07- $6,157,360

Ami Bera (D)- $2,491,443Scott Jones (R)- $$3,665,917

• CO-06- $5,439,102

Morgan Carroll (D)- $4,158,591Mike Coffman (R)- $1,1711,974

• IA-03- $5,024,662

Jim Mowrer (D)- $2,511,211David Young (R)- $2,513,451

• CA-10- $4,676,387

Michael Eggman (D)- $2,909,777Jeff Denham (R)- $1,676,610

These numbers above don't include the millions of dollars the candidates are spending themselves or the millions of dollars other PACs allied with the DCCC or the NRCC. Example: in NY-19 a right-wing SuperPAC, New York Wins, which was almost entirely funded by 2 crooked hedge fund billionaires, Paul Singer and Robert Mercer, threw $915,268 into the race on behalf of shady Republican lobbyist and now-candidate John Faso. Blue America is a different kind of PAC. But even without that, notice which campaign has the biggest disparity between what the Democrats are spending and what the Republicans are spending. (Hint: it's not for a New Dem or Blue Dog; it's in a race between an independent-minded progressive and a shady GOP lobbyist.) Our average contribution is around $40 and the money goes directly to the candidates. It's still not too late to help: