Tell Me Lies- The Establishment Media is the Grand Master of Fake News

ABC News anchor Brian Ross has dealt a blow to the establishment media and its effort to marginalize independent and alternative news. Ross falsely reported Michael Flynn will testify that President Trump directed him to make contact with Russian officials while Trump was a candidate. This isn’t the first time Ross and ABC News have passed off bogus stories, and it won't be the last. ABC’s fake news story damages the carefully orchestrated effort by corporate media to institute fact checking tools designed to stigmatize and edge-out news that doesn’t conform to the establishment narrative on a wide-range of issues. The establishment has tried to bury its lies, but the Brian Ross fake news story about Micheal Flynn has forced its dirty practices back out into the spotlight. The corporate media no longer controls the news cycle. The propaganda it receives and reports from the government is now critically analyzed and debunked on social media within minutes. Millions of Americans no longer watch the corporate alphabet news networks or read corporate newspapers. The Brian Ross fiasco shows that the establishment is not finished trying to slander and discredit its enemies. It’s so desperate now to turn the tide, it has lost the ability to produce believable misleading news either read from government scripts or created by fake news organizations.
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Show Notes
ABC Suspends Reporter Brian Ross Over Erroneous Report About Trump
William Ayers is Sponsored by Decidedly LEFTIST Organization: ANNENBERG Public Policy Foundation
BBC sets up team to debunk fake news
The 7 Worst Examples of Fake News From the Mainstream Media