Tel Aviv: Georgian, Israeli Defense Chiefs Pledge Increased Cooperation

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
December 9, 2013
Georgian Defence Minister’s Meeting with his Counterpart

The Georgian Defence Minister’s visit to Israel [has been] completed. Within [a] two-day long official visit, Defence Minister of Georgia Irakli Alasania met with his counterpart Moshe Yaalon. The official welcoming ceremony was held at Defence Ministry of Israel.
At the meeting the sides discussed prospects of military cooperation between two countries. As Irakli Alasania stated, they also talked about the development of defence capabilities and cooperation in military industry.
According to the decision taken at the meeting, the sides will elaborate joint cooperation plan: “While meeting with Defence Minister of Israel, we discussed the future cooperation plan in military sphere between out countries. We agreed to elaborate joint cooperation plan within next month how to develop our relations to various directions. This refers to develop different capabilities between two countries, as well future cooperation in defence capabilities and military industry”.
Georgian Defence Minister invited Jewish counterpart to Georgia which will be basis of future development of Georgia-Israel cooperation between in [the] security and defence sphere. Within the visit, Georgian MoD delegation also held meetings with Israel National Security Adviser Yossi Cohen and Head of the Political-Military Bureau of the Minister of Defence, Amos Gilad.
