Talking DPRK/North Korea, With Edward Rhymes



Below is a recent interview/discussion on North Korea with host Edward Rhymes, who wrote:

Eva Bartlett fresh from her journey to the DPRK in North Korea, talks about her insights and discusses w/Edward Rhymes the issues facing that nation. Ed and Eva talk about the provocative war games that US have engaged in on right outside North Korea – and North Korea as the simulated enemy in these war games; the anti-North Korean propaganda machine the West’s quashing of North & South Korea’s reunification and the desires of the North Korean people.

It is difficult to come away from talking w/Eva without being better informed. She puts it on the line in her travels and she is uncompromisingly honest in her work as an investigative journalist. Join us, here, on #IndependentMediaMonday.

Listen to our discussion at this link.


-On Defectors:

*(March 2017): “… South Korea will significantly increase the rewards it pays to defectors from the north who treasonously disclose state secrets or surrender military equipment. High-ranking North Korean officials will receive $860,000 for defecting and selling out their compatriots, while pilots will be offered the same to fly their warplanes to South Korea. Sailors who surrender their warships to Seoul will also receive $860,000. At the same time, payouts from $43,000 to $260,000 will be handed to North Korean military personnel who defect, if they bring with them lesser weapons, such as tanks or machine guns. ” Read the entire article by Stephen Gowans, including much-needed historical context, here: “Washington Considers Military Action Against North Korea to Force Regime Change

*Interesting, surprising, admissions of truth in a CBC investigation. “Shin Dong-hyuk changes his story.” (VIDEO)

*”Why do North Korean defectors keep changing their stories?” (VIDEO)

*”Yeonmi Park the Celebrity DPRK Defector Exposed!” (VIDEO)

-Other Related Links:

-“North Korea: The Grand Deception Revealed“, Christopher Black

-“The Haircut (2017) – A North Korean Adventure

-See some (not yet all) of my photos and videos from North Korea on my Facebook page.

Filed under: DPRK North Korea, interviews, Syria
