The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Yet ANOTHER Chemical Weapons Attack Conducted By The US (Desperation By These Criminals Has Set In...)

I reported just the other day about how the US has indeed conducted a horrific false flag attack on the small village of Saraqib in northern Syria... That attack was conducted by a supposedly unmarked helicopter dropping barrels of Chlorine gas on innocent people in that town and some 30+ people are now reported injured and/or dead from this assault...It should be apparent that the US is indeed getting more and more desperate by the day as the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, have almost finished wiping out the high paid mercenaries (so called rebels) holed up in the city of Aleppo... Yes, the criminal cabal will do anything now to try to change the outcome of their failed war, and it seems that chemical weapons attacks are now the flavour of the day for these evil pricks....But just today comes yet another report about a brand new "chemical weapons" attack, this time in the city of Aleppo itself..... And to show some detail on that attack and the one that was conducted the other day in Saraqib, I want to present the following video from Russia Today that gives a pretty good summation of these attacks... I have further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: To me this is so disgusting and shows just how low and psychotic the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal has sunk.... They know that the public has a very short memory span and are hoping that they would forget the fact that just over two years ago they tried this same ploy to vilify Bashar al-Assad... But again the evidence became crystal clear after that incident that it was NOT the Syrian government that conducted that attack then, but the so called fraudulent 'rebels' themselves using chemicals supplied by the US itself!Yes, the US is indeed hoping the gullible public will swallow the bait here and are indeed using the liars in the Jew spew media to come out and say that these latest chemical weapons attacks are being conducted by the Syrian government forces...These criminals are hoping that the gullible American people will now support the US governments call for an "immediate ceasefire" in the battle by the good guys, the Syrian government forces, in their attempt to recapture Aleppo from the fraud rebels.... It may also allow the US government to have their excuse to impose a phoney "no fly zone" over Syria as well....It is my hope that everyone gets the message out here to the public that they are once again being lied to, and that these chemical weapons attacks are indeed being done by the US itself as yet another false flag to try to turn the war in Syria into their favour....Let us all not be fooled here... These attacks should be so obvious to everyone that they are acts of desperation by the criminals in the US government that know perfectly well that unless they can come up with a new tactic, their evil war to destroy Syria will indeed be over very soon....More to comeNTS