The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: US Raqqa "Counter-Terrorism" Operation Is Aimed At Denying Syrian Peace!

The news out of Syria these days gets better and better for the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their Russian and Arabic allies.... The Russians are apparently about to end their "ceasefire" on the imprisoned US mercenaries and murderers holed up in eastern Aleppo, and aerial bombardments are about to resume very shortly with the hope that it and the renewed ground offensive by the Syrian government forces will break the stalemate and finally force these criminals to surrender...  Elsewhere, the Syrian forces have been making gains everywhere across Syria and much more Syrian territory has now been returned to the Syrian people.....  It does appear that the criminal US demands that Bashar al-Assad must step down to end the "civil war" is now a pipe dream as the Syrian nation is indeed freeing itself from the criminal US/Israel/NATO scourge...BUT... Just last week the US criminal government announced that they were launching a new "offensive" aimed primarily to "seize the city of Raqqa" from the so called "ISIS terrorists".... When I saw all the Jew spew media announce this campaign, I knew something stunk to high heaven due to the fact that everyone should know by now that "ISIS" is indeed a massive hoax and fraud, and that the US itself is absolutely ISIS!  Therefore, something else was definitely going on with this US "attack" and as usual I smelled a rat....Well, there indeed is so much more to this "Raqqa Counter-terrorism Operation" than meets the eye, for according to the following report from the Southfront website, at, apparently this "operation" is a facade, and is absolutely aimed at denying any peace in Syria, as well as to ensure that the US keeps their foothold in that peaceful nation while they continue their sick dream of having both Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from power!  Here is the link to that report that everyone should read to understand the truth here, and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Again, the US government and media are playing the American people as suckers... They are indeed wanting this "offensive" to sell the propaganda that they are indeed "fighting terrorism" and are working with the "Syrian people" to eliminate the "terrorist" group known as "ISIS"..... And yes, the majority of the American people will indeed swallow this bullshit without much thought!Lets be clear here.. The US is indeed launching this "operation" by arming their moderate "rebels" to attack their own armed "terrorists"... What we are watching is a massive charade and a pure propaganda bullshit piece of work much along the same line as their equally phoney Mosul attacks in Iraq.... They will put out videos and reports about "battles" with these "terrorists" and keep the American people in the dark to the bitter truth that they control BOTH sides in the impending battles.... It will indeed be laughable....Yes, the US now knows that their vain attempts to hold onto Aleppo will die shortly, and with the Syrian victory in that city, they are desperate to keep a foothold in Syria at all cost and therefore the think tanks in the US Pentagram (Pentagon) came up with this "Raqqa offensive"..... It will be sold to the gullible American people as a "great victory over ISIS" and again the US people will swallow it hook line and sinker....Well, there you have it.... The war by these criminals to have Syria destroyed and Assad removed from power continues.... We can always hope that with the new US regime under President Drumpf that this charade ends, but honestly that may also be wishful thinking!More to comeNTS